by Chuck Marshall | Jan 17, 2024 | Music
We united with our family of friends at The Ark for a heartwarming concert of solidarity to bring Johnny Williams home and Save The Speakeasy. Save the Speakeasy and Bring Johnny Home I left The Ark last Tuesday night humming the melody and pondering the words of the...
by Chuck Marshall | Nov 14, 2022 | Music
We laughed, we cried, we filled our hearts with joy thanks to the Nervous But Excited reunion show at the Ark in Ann Arbor. Nervous But Excited Reunion While Kate Peterson and Sarah Cleaver may have been feeling somewhat nervous, the audience inside the Ark was amped...
by Chuck Marshall | Oct 28, 2022 | Music
The Whiskey Charmers debut at The Ark in Ann Arbor, promoting their upcoming album On The Run. The Whiskey Charmers at The Ark It is hard to believe, but this was the first time the Whiskey Charmers have played The Ark in Ann Arbor. We’ve caught them nearby in...
by Chuck Marshall | Jul 7, 2019 | Music
Could music from a sweetly singing dobro heal the world? Mark Lavengood, Drew Howard, and Joe Wilson put this question to the test at the Ark in Ann Arbor. Dobros Heal the World It is a lofty goal to try to heal the world. I know for a fact that music makes my world...
by Chuck Marshall | Feb 23, 2018 | Music
Our gamble on Take A Chance Tuesday at the Ark in Ann Arbor paid off big with a fantastic night of music from Jason Hawk Harris. The Ark offers up a marvelous opportunity to discover new music with their Take A Chance Tuesday series. The artists vary from Michigan...