Chris Robinson Brotherhood make everything alright!

Chris Robinson Brotherhood make everything alright!

The Chris Robinson Brotherhood brought freedom and love through music to the Sound Board at the Motor City Casino in Detroit, Michigan last Friday night (13-June-2014). There was absolutely no reason for concern on this Friday the 13th as the Brotherhood took our...
Risky Brenda does PLI

Risky Brenda does PLI

What happens after you combine too much Red Bull and dangerous fun with your Dark Horse friends at the Front 40 Hillbilly Party? You end up at the Pleasant Lake Inn (PLI) in Manchester, Michigan with Risky Brenda channeling Jim Morrison! Lord, what a day. Some days...
Urban Hike in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Urban Hike in Ann Arbor, Michigan

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood (as Mr. Rogers would say :). Brenda had just purchased a new pair of hiking boots and we decided to break them in with an urban hike through a bit of the beautiful city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Urban Hike: More than just a...
Blue Snaggletooth – Adventures in music

Blue Snaggletooth – Adventures in music

Police Blotter: May, 30 2014 Man found wandering the streets after an incident at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Victim appears to have suffered from blunt force trauma to the head and neck as a result of sonic field distortions causing massive convulsions. ...
Manchester Community Fundraiser

Manchester Community Fundraiser

Manchester, Mich. — On May 30, 2014, the small, farming community of Manchester, Michigan gathered for a community fundraiser to share their love and support for Craig Little who suffered a stroke in February. The Manchester community has taken care of its own...