by Chuck Marshall | Jul 11, 2014 | Beer
A goose can be one intimidating bird. Don’t you agree? Well, we were pleasantly surprised by how nice a goose can be when the folks at Goose Island Brewing invited us to stop by the Heidelberg in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan for their tap take over. Enter the... by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Mar 10, 2014 | Beer, Michigan
We journeyed to Jackson, Michigan to attend the Southern Michigan Winter Beer Festival. The festival was sponsored by Experience Jackson and Grand River Brewery and was hosted by the Jackson County Fair. It was our first non-Michigan Brewers’ Guild Festival so... by Chuck Marshall | Mar 2, 2014 | Beer, Michigan
Kuhnhenn Brewing – Kings of Warren We love Kuhnhenn Brewing. There you go, we said it 🙂 You may have read about these guys in our posts about last years Brewers Guild Winter, Summer, U.P., and Detroit Beer fests. Sadly, its taken us this long to get our... by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Dec 23, 2013 | Beer, Michigan
I am so sorry if you missed the 4 Elf Party at Dark Horse Brewery on December 14, 2013. OMG what a party. It is a beer sale, music event, food experimentation, beer drinking, dancing, good time. Chuck had one goal this year, to not pass out before the Muggs came on... by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Sep 22, 2013 | Beer, Michigan, Running
Dances with Dirt 2013 was perfect. I’ve already marked my calendar for Running Fit’s 2014 Dances with Dirt in Hell, Michigan. Yes I had to take 800 milligrams of Advil when I opened my eyes this morning. My swollen ankle is elevated and on ice. Benadryl...