Looking for my lost classmates! Found one in the middle of Lake Erie
The class reunion for the Manchester High School (MHS) class of 1984 is July 19, 2014. Looking for my lost classmates! I found in Lake Erie on the Edgar B Speer.
The class reunion for the Manchester High School (MHS) class of 1984 is July 19, 2014. Looking for my lost classmates! I found in Lake Erie on the Edgar B Speer.
As far as I’m concerned, my holiday season kicks-in with Ann Arbor’s Midnight Madness event. This event is a nice sampling of Ann Arbor, Michigan–shopping, merrymaking, bar hopping and fun all rolled into one event. This year’s event didn’t disappoint.
If you love Motawi Tile, their annual tile Overrun Sale is for you. It includes demonstrations, raffle drawings, prizes, popcorn and a 25% off coupon. Nawal Motawi greeted us at the door. I felt like I was meeting a celebrity!