Michigan Winter Beer Fest 2013

    Great Beer and Great fun at the Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Fest For the past four years, we’ve headed West to Grand Rapids, Michigan with our friends Jeff and Angie, to partake in the annual Michigan Brewers Guild Winter beer festival....
Snowshoe Fun at the Bigfoot Boogie 2013

Snowshoe Fun at the Bigfoot Boogie 2013

Who knew running in snowshoes could be so fun and so damn hard!?! We journeyed up to Traverse City, Michigan on 1/18/2013 for Running Fit’s Bigfoot Boogie snowshoe race. The snow conditions were non-existant when we left Ann Arbor on Friday afternoon, which had...
Michigan Winter Trail Running

Michigan Winter Trail Running

Running in the winter takes a special person, however Michigan winter trail running takes a special kind of crazy. YakTrax may be required! That is my running partner, Chuck on the top of the hill. Yep, that little red dot is him. Running while you are photographing...