Finding Vegan Friendly Restaurants in Michigan is easy, if you know how to search for them.
I typically use one of these on-line vegetarian eating guides:
Yes, I know these work great if you are in a metropolitan area. (Yes, Michigan has metropolitan areas! And no Traverse City is not one but it is considered a Micropolitan area.) We’ve found vegan food in many Michigan cities including Marquette, Detroit and Ann Arbor, so I wasn’t surprised to find vegan options in Traverse City. We did have a bad food day in Munising but I think that had more to do with the time of day (5:00 am).
Vegan Restaurant Success Story
We were in Traverse City, Michigan for Running Fit’s BigFoot Boogie Race in January and found Poppycocks via Happy Cow. It was a vegan and beer lover’s dream come true. Dragon’s Milk from New Holland Brewing was on tap and there was a vegan special! Thank you Happy Cow.
I ordered the Red Chili Marinated Tofu special and Chuck ordered the Lentil White Bean Burger.
Both entrees got the clean plate award.
Poppycock’s has other awards.
We were there for lunch, but their dinner menu looked tasty. Oh and did I mention that they had great dessert options too! An added bonus is that there is music on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
We will definitely be back!

Poppycock’s In Traverse City, Michigan