Laith Al-Saadi at Sonic Lunch

Laith Al-Saadi at Sonic Lunch

Laith Al-Saadi smoked up some delicious blues guitar seasoned with his soulful vocals at Sonic Lunch in Ann Arbor, Michigan on 7-Aug-2014. Everyone at the packed Liberty Square plaza thoroughly enjoyed every ounce of Laith’s evocative music. What more could you...
Dark Horse Nation Premiere

Dark Horse Nation Premiere

The premiere party for the Dark Horse Nation television series on the History channel was just as you would expect any Dark Horse Brewing party; bigger and better than the last one. Dark Horse Nation – The Premiere Being members of the Dark Horse Nation and...
Michigan Summer Beer Festival 2014 Vibe

Michigan Summer Beer Festival 2014 Vibe

The Michigan Summer Beer Festival is my favorite Summer holiday. Festival Vibe Each of the Michigan Brewers Guild Festivals has its own vibe. The UP Beer Festival feels like a Northern Michigan vacation — laid back and relaxed. The crowd is always fired up for...
Jackson Hot Air Jubilee – Up, Up, and Away

Jackson Hot Air Jubilee – Up, Up, and Away

Bright and beautiful hot air balloons filled the skies in Jackson, Michigan for the annual Hot Air Jubilee held at the Ella Sharp Park on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of July, 2014. We stopped in with a thousand or so other folks to check out the Friday evening launch...