Sassy Sharilyn’s Soup Lynda Recipe

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Food


You are in for a treat today! I am sharing the recipe for “Sassy Sharilyn’s Soup Linda.” 

(Disclaimer: The soup is vegan and doesn’t contain bits of Lynda. My sassy friend, Sharilyn, asked if it did which is how it got its name.)

Texting with Sassy Sharilyn

I tried to send Sassy Sharilyn a text saying, “Making Soup for Lynda” and “Can I have the recipe for the vegetable soup you made last weekend.” I left out a few words so the text read, “Making Soup Lynda” and “Can I have the recipe for the soup you made last weekend.” “For” is such a little word but it clearly has a huge impact on the meaning of a sentence. And Sassy Sharilyn wasn’t giving me a pass on it either.

2014-01-03 15.03.02

That is all I got… Just a list of ingredients but as a rule I consider a recipe a suggestion so I was fine with a list of ingredients. There are several secrets you need to know before you too can create “Sassy Sharilyn’s Soup Lynda.

Caramelize the Onions

When Sharilyn served it, she mentioned that she’d caramelized the onions. I realized today that I didn’t actually know how to caramelize an onion. (Google to the rescue.) I had no idea it takes so long to caramelize an onion. Another thing I didn’t know how to do prior to making Sassy Sharilyn’s Soup Lynda, how to take a screenshot with an iPhone. Google really does know everything.

Sharilyn also said she used some olive oil and caramelized each layer of veggies. I didn’t do this. I’m not actually sure how you’d do that. Caramelizing the onions was hard enough. I’m sure there are some real chiefs out there that would know what to do with this information. I didn’t.

Walnut Oil

The other thing Sharilyn mentioned, “I used walnut oil.” I know about olive oil, sesame oil and canola oil but not walnut oil. This required a special purchase and more time googling. I learned so much today. Apparently Lance Armstrong and Oprah are both using it  and if you use it, you’ll be super skinny, and beautiful and maybe rich but hopefully you are not allergic to it because you could end up dead. Did you know that “Walnuts are the most common tree nut allergy?” I did not prior today. I’ve learned so much today.


I used frozen butternut squash in my soup. I’m not sure if Sharilyn used frozen or not but it is a very important ingredient. It gives the soup a creamy texture. I used red lentils but I recommend green instead.

Let me know if  you make Sassy Sharilyn’s Soup Lynda. I’d love to know how yours turned out!

Sassy Sharilyn's Soup Lynda


You should know that Sharilyn is a wonderful friend and is an amazing artist in the kitchen. She makes the most amazing food. Hopefully after this post she’ll still be my friend.

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