Naughty Snow Sculptures and Dark Horse Beer

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Beer, Michigan

Mingling with naughty snow sculptures while drinking Dark Horse beer on a snowy February afternoon in the Beer Garten — Sounds a little deviant doesn’t it? I guess it depends on your norms if you’ll consider it deviant or not. It was definitely fun and I am glad that I joined other Michigan Beer enthusiasts for the 2014 Dark Horse Brewing Co. Taproom Staff Beer Competition and Snow Sculpting in the Beer Garten

What is it?

Each Dark Horse Taproom staff member was paired with a Dark Horse brewer to create a one-of-a-kind brew. On Saturday, Feb, 8, 2014, a competition was held in the Dark Horse Beer Garten to determine who would have their beer featured in the taproom and the beer festivals throughout 2014. Live music featuring Dragon Wagon and amusing (and sometimes naughty) snow sculptures created by members of a national snow sculpting team provided entertainment. Sadly, Chuck and I couldn’t stay to hear the names of the winner’s announced (we had tickets to a Dave Mason performance in Brighton), but we were excited to read the winner’s names on Facebook on Sunday morning. We had our favorites and shrewdly cast our vote before we left. We only had one token!

The Beer Competition

Everyone participating in the event received one token to cast their vote for their favorite beer. The taproom staff were very creative in promoting their beer.

Rachael promoting Can't Catch me


Elegant Taproom Staff, Hannah promoting her brew

Elegant Taproom Staff, Hannah promoting her brew

Double D IPA

Fist ful of Boom Stick

Coverage for your Boom Stick

Saison Du Jane Le Platian

The Snow Sculptures

Yes, the snow sculptures were a little naughty but would you really expect anything different?

Naughty Snow Sculptures

Naughty Snow Sculptures

Naughty Snow Sculptures

The Tools…

Tools for creating the Snow

Chainsaws and snow sculptures

Guillotine Snow Sculpture

Checker Board Snow Sculpture

The Winners

Wiggs told Chuck that he and Aaron had placed a wager on the competition. If Wigg’s beer placed then Aaron would buy him dinner, but if Aaron’s beer placed then Wiggs owed him dinner. I think Aaron owes Wiggs several dinners!

Third Place

Jaimie & Noonie with Double “D” Double IPA, 8.19% ABV – Double IPA featuring Amarillo & Falconer Flight hops with dates added.

Double D IPA

Second Place

John and Wiggs with Freestyle IPA, 6.5% ABV – Classic American IPA with lots of hop aromas with a pleasant lingering bitterness that leaves you wanting more.

FreeStyle IPA

First Place

Stiff and Wiggs with Demeter’s Lament, 15% ABV – Imperial Brown Ale brewed with pomegranates and an extra PUNCH of winter. This beer will be featured on draft in the Taproom and at all MBG Beer Festivals throughout 2014!

Demeters Lament

Congratulations Stiff! We really enjoyed your beer! And Chuck and I are looking forward to drinking more of it. We liked all the beers that won, but we also really liked Fist Ful of Boom Stick, and Grass Coffin.

The Beer Enthusiasts

Beer Enthusiasts

Beer Enthusiasts

Beer Enthusiasts

We have lots of photos in our gallery. Please check them out!


  1. Hello “Life in Michigan”. Just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed your article about Dark Horse Brewery and the Naughty Snow Sculptures. My name is John Martinez and I am a representative of mARTinez Studio ART Club. The group of artists that created the snow sculptures. Also thought we’d let you know (if you don’t already) that the guys at Dark Horse are preparing for their “Staff Brew Off” to take place this weekend. The artists from ART Club are also gearing up to create some new and even naughtier sculptures this year. Hope you can make it out again this year and thanks for the promotion of this event and our art. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks so much John! We loved the sculptures from last year and we are definitely planning on attending this year to cover the event 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you guys create for us to enjoy this year.


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