Kensington Metropark Wild Kingdom

by | May 10, 2020 | Hiking

Last weekend we took a hiatus from the Coronavirus for a hike in the Kensington Metropark in Milford. Here is just a small sample of the animal kingdom we encountered paired with Chuck’s narration.


Kensington Metropark 

Early on in our relationship, I learned Chuck loves to give animals human voices, usually in a British accent. It is often funny as hell and if you give him any encouragement, he will have you laughing so hard you’ll pee your pants. What I found particularly interesting was Chuck’s shock when I said, “You know not everyone does that.”

Herons Redecorating  


“Hey, Harry! Would you happen to have any willow over there? My nest is a mess this one hard stick keeps poking me in the ass.”

Handsome Duck


“I Love A Parade! A handful of vets, A line of cadets, Or any brigade, For I love a Parade!!!”

Barn Swallow Aerial Acrobatics




“Pretty damn cool and am I right? Right???”

Nut Brown Squirrel 


“I mean, I know this isn’t earthshattering news or anything, but I love nuts. They are so damn delicious. Seriously”

Talking Mushrooms 


“Hold still! Look fella, I’m a mushroom…just take the damn picture already and move along.”

Studly Chickadee 


“Who’s a big bird? Damn straight, I’m a big bird! And don’t sass back!”

Tufted Titmouse Chorus Girl


“Lalalalala lalala lalala!!!! Sing along everybody”

Bad Ass Bluebird 


“You son of a bitch. Come here without any birdseed. Cheapass bastards.”

Turkeys could be the National Bird 


“So I was telling Tom the other day that I read that Ben Franklin wanted us to be the national bird. Can you believe it? That guy was one class act and he had a point. I mean we can literally run circles around those damn eagles any day.”

Sandhill Crane Sissy


“Oh shit, was that a spider!!!”

Frog Pond Orgy 



Muskrat Love


“Thank the lord. I thought that doofus was going to start singing Captain and Tennille”

Cardinal Couple


“Larry!!!?!! Where in the hell did he flutter off to now…Larry!…I’ll bet he’s in that marsh again”


From the marsh – “Babe…I’m right over here”

Snarky Egret 


“You know, I sometimes wonder. Those fish have no idea that I’m coming. I mean can you imagine swimming along with your pals and then all of a sudden “Jesus Christ, something just snatched Rick right out of the water! “ (laughs to himself) Good times…good times”

Do you also give animals human voices? If so and have captions you’d like share for our Kensington Metropark photos, please do so in the comments. Keep it PG-13 kids, this is a family site!


We have a few more pictures from our hike in Kensington Metropark.

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