Katelynn Corll at Duke’s of Highland

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Music, Travel

Katelynn Corll keeps alive the time-honored tradition of the singer-song writer with her inspiring solo performance at Dukes of Highland.

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Katelynn Corll at Duke’s of Highland

We headed out to Duke’s of Highland last weekend to listen to singer-songwriter Katelynn Corll perform a few choice covers and her original music. Duke’s is a great restaurant tucked away in the little town of Highland, Michigan. They have a tasty selection of American and Mexican foods to go along with a damn fine roster of Michigan beer on tap.

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Duke’s recently started up an open mic night on Wednesday’s and live music on Friday nights. Rick Beardsley and his son Max are bringing in some great music to Duke’s and dialing in the sound. With the stage set up in the center of the restaurant, you’ll want to pick a seat in the main room to fully enjoy your musical experience.

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If you have seen the Motown influenced rhythm and blues of Wolf and the Crane, then you may know that Katelynn is the powerhouse drummer behind the serious grooves this band dishes out. But, that is just one side of this multi-talented woman as she is also a gifted singer and songwriter. Katelynn was battling a little bit of a cold, but she used this to her advantage playing outstanding covers of “Gold Dust Woman” and “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac. She also did a wonderful cover of “Angel of Montgomery” by John Prine.

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In addition to stellar covers, Katelynn played her own songs. She included “Tell Me” and “Hold On” from her ‘One Step Closer’ album and four brand new songs which were untitled. Each song showcased Katelynn’s strong and melodic voice. Her guitar playing was equally impressive with colorful chord progressions featuring wide intervals and dynamic range.

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It is great to see up and coming musicians in Michigan keeping the art of the singer-songwriter burning bright. Katelynn Corll is an exceptionally talented artist and it was a treat to catch her solo performance. Many thanks to the great folks at Duke’s for providing a venue for original music to flourish.

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1 Comment

  1. Wonderful story! I was there and have now seen Katelyn 4-5 times. She’s an inspiration. You do great photography too, Mr. Marshall.

    Herbie Hughes


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