Detroit’s Eastern Market Flower Day 2015

by | May 20, 2015 | Food, Michigan

Did you know Detroit’s Eastern Market is the largest open-air public Farmer’s Market in the country? And since 1967, the first day after Mother’s Day, is known as Detroit’s Eastern Market Flower Day?

Eastern Market Flower Day

Don’t forget your wagon! But please leave your pets at home.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-26

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-9

Well, I admit that I didn’t know these facts. Another fact to jam into your brain, Detroit’s Eastern Market covers over 4.5-acres and has been a source of fresh food since 1891.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-10

All six market sheds overflowed with people, wagons, flowers, herbs, vegetable plants, music, fruit plants, babies, bicycles, shrubs, food and JOY.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-14

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-38

Yes joy! It was a beautiful day and everyone reveled in it. I found a 5 foot chicken, a flying pig, yummy gin, vintage clothes (Yikes, I’m pretty sure most of the clothing at Blue Velvet Vintage was previously owned by me!), and flowers, vegetable plants, some fresh fruit that we ate later that day.

Five Foot Chicken

I really wanted this chicken. Oddly, Chuck didn’t object to it, but it and the wagon wouldn’t fit into the Jeep. I debated about leaving the wagon behind, but since it was borrowed, I decided to not make an impulse buy and left the chicken behind. I think Chuck was counting on this when he agreed we should have it.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-17

The flying pig was a harder decision since I could hold it on my lap if necessary. It also remained in in Eastern Market but I promised I’d be back.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-21


Buskers (street performers) are welcome, but there are some rules. There are three pretty simple steps, stop by the Eastern Market website for the details.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-27

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-23

Vintage Clothes

It is a sobering experience to realize the clothes you wore when you were younger are now considered vintage. We found the Blue Velvet Vintage tucked away on Division Street. It was full of wonderful retro treasures. We found a few Christmas gifts. Hopefully I can wait that long to surprise Isaac with the gem I found for him.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-32

Detroit City Distillery

Shopping is hard work and the Detroit City Distillery provided needed refreshments. A few good souls are making alcohol the old fashion way right in the heart of Detroit. They create small batch whiskey, gin and vodka using local ingredients from farms near Detroit’s Eastern Market.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day- 2015-41

The super friendly and talented bartender created a couple of treats for us!

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-44

Closet Psycho: Railroad Gin, celery/apple shrub, lemon tonic

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-54

Basil Smash: Railroad Gin, basil, lemon, pepper, sugar

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-55

I almost went back to get the flying pig after I finished my drink.

The talented staff welcomes questions and allow you to tour the space where the magic happens.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-48

Street Art

The streets near Eastern Market are full of fantastic art.

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day - 2015-64

Detroit's Eastern Market Flower Day- 2015-65

Stay In Touch

I’ve got the Eastern Market Flower Day on my calendar. Do you have a story to share about Eastern Market Flower Day you’d like to share? Leave a comment or send us an email we’d love to hear it.

Keep in touch with us by signing up for our email or you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Cheers!


  1. love knowing on the past and present in Detroit

    • We do too Cathy! Thanks so much for reading 🙂

  2. Greetings.

    May i please ask for your email, in regards to an image i want to use from your article. (The market place image).


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