We got a taste of what Michigan Ability Partners can do while enjoying some delicious food and beer during their TasteFest 2019 annual fund-raiser.
Chuck Marshall
Dave’s Birthday Thrash Bash
A host of some of the best metal bands in Michigan gather to celebrate a fellow metalhead’s birthday at Dave’s Birthday Thrash Bash at the Diesel Concert Lounge.
Kickstarting Ogma Brewing in Jackson
We were happy to lend a hand in kickstarting Ogma Brewing in Jackson by attending their Kickstarter fundraising party at the site of the new brewery.
Misadventures in Stirling Scotland
We wrecked the rental car in Stirling during our Scotland adventure and ended up with a delightful evening sharing scotch with family and new friends.
Leelanau Peninsula Beer Tour
Mother Nature tried to rain on our parade, so we made the best of it by seeking fine Michigan beers in the Leelanau peninsula.
New Years Eve Eve with Billy Strings
We celebrated New Year’s Eve Eve with the supernatural sounds of Billy Strings at the Flagstar Strand Theatre in Pontiac .
Gotcha Covered – The Songs of Johnny Williams
Johnny Williams enlists the help of his talented friends to bring his music to the masses with his album “Gotcha Covered” which benefits a one-room schoolhouse in the Jordan River Valley.
Black Friday with Billy Strings
Black Friday was lit up with the luminous music of Billy Strings at the Intersection in Grand Rapids to the delight of a packed house.
Tribute to Eugene I. Van Antwerp
The Michigan WWI Commission pays tribute to Eugene I. Van Antwerp at the Michigan Military Heritage Museum for his work to establish Armistice Day to honor veterans