by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Jul 15, 2022 | Beer
The new ROAK Beer Garten feels like a mash-up of the movies “Money Ball (2011)” and “Lawless (2012).” When I mentioned this to Chuck, he looked at me rather quizzically. I’m sure he thought, “She’s lost her mind.” The ROAK Beer Garten Let me explain. When I...
by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Dec 21, 2019 | Beer, Music
And just like that, another Dark Horse 4 Elf Party is in the books. The 2019 party did not disappoint, Elves, Beer, Exotic Food, Music, Dancing! 4 Elf Party 2019 As friends and Dark Horse supporters, showing up and being present for this year’s 4 Elf Party 2019 was...
by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Dec 13, 2017 | Beer
The official start of the holidays is the Dark Horse Brewing Annual 4 Elf Party. Well, at least in my world it marks the start of the holidays. 2017 Annual 4 Elf Party What exactly is the 4 Elf Party? It is a crazy two-day event at Dark Horse Brewing...
by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Dec 14, 2016 | Beer, Michigan, Music
The 2016 Dark Horse Brewery 4 Elf Party did not disappoint. Like their Bourbon Barrel Plead the 5th Imperial Stout, the party just gets finer and finer. This year the elves were thick as thieves and drinking beer like it was 1999. Add to that a pink bunny, Jesus,...
by Brenda Sodt Marshall | Dec 16, 2015 | Beer, Michigan, Music
Dark Horse rides again! The Dark Horse Annual 4 Elf Party was on Saturday, December 12, 2015, and it was a fantastic ride from start to finish. 4 ELF – 2015 It was fast and furious ride to be sure. We arrived well after the beer sale had started and were greeted...