Images tagged "taproot"

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  1. Did you put these picture on Box?

  2. I remember the Ann Arbor Therapy Oxygen Co. and Brown Jig Grinding Co. slips of paper everywhere at Grandma’s house and our house growing up. I miss Grandma’s goulash… I know that it wasn’t a special recipe but I can never quite make it taste like hers. I also miss the candy drawer and ‘finding’ pieces of candy in Grandpa’s shirt pocket.

  3. I’d forgotten about her goulash! Thanks for reminding me of it Beth. It is Avery’s favorite. I’m pretty sure it is the Catsup and lots of salt and pepper that make that recipe come together. I’d also forgotten about the candy drawer. Always lots of tootsie rolls and snickers to be found. I’ve already eaten my quota of gum drops this year. I do miss Betty.

  4. I had a great time and LOVED sampling all that yummy beer and food!! Great start to 2013!

    • Me too… Looking forward to the next party.

  5. Thank you for the information! I’m brand new to the vegan lifestyle, so this really helps!

  6. You are welcome Kayla! I’m working on a second post about vegan bloggers to follow in 2013! Follow us on on Pinterest or Facebook so you’ll never miss a post… Happy New Year.

  7. Do you find your yaktrax to actually help? For running in the city they are almost counter productive with all the asphalt, but on trails I suppose you couldn’t run without them. What about snowshoes?

  8. Hi Nathan, that is an interesting question. My partner, Chuck, hates yaktrax and never wears them but I wear them when the streets are snow covered or when I’m trail running. Yes I do find them helpful but only when it is icy or more than a couple inches of snow. I’ve observed some runners carrying them on their backpacks and only using when needed. And it is funny you ask about snowshoes b/c we are actually running in a snowshoe race this weekend, the BigFoot Boogie in Traverse City, Michigan. Running in snowshoes is HARD. Stay warm and keep running! Oh and btw loved your post

    • Thanks! When it’s cold out, you need to get creative!

  9. Much of this agrees with information I remember Grandma Ruth Sodt telling me several years ago. There is another intriguing bit that she passed along. Contributing perhaps to Andrew’s leaving MI for CA was the item that he paid someone to go in his place to fight in the Civil War. I do understand that this was not an unusual practice at the time. I remember that my brother Phil Spike in IA has possession of a letter from Andrew sent from CA (if the portion above is not the same.) Interesting info; thanks for your sharing.

    • Thanks Peter… This has been so much fun and I feel connected. I see the connections and I hope the next generation will feel the same. These posts are for them.

  10. Nice Job !

  11. Lovely. You have a nice voice with the queens English. I think Ruth was taking the necessary orientation and tests to get the State certificate that would allow her to teach. She began teaching, grades 1 through 8 all at once in a one room school house, (Lima Twp. I think) in the fall of 1914.

    • Love your detective skills! This is a legacy! Can’t wait for the next installment! Any wedding pictures?

      • It takes a village! I couldn’t do this without Brian and Mary. They are the researchers! I am the reporter. I can’t wait to post Ruth and Reuben’s wedding but I’m waiting for Karen to return to Michigan.

    • thank you Brian. I couldn’t do this without you and Mary. I’m loving every minute.

      • Get a good nights sleep Wednesday. You may be up late Thursday. Just sayin…

  12. Your conclusion is correct: Grandma Ruth never got a degree. She was teaching under a provisional certificate until she retired (sometime in the 60’s-at least 70 yrs of age.)
    She always had to take credits towards a degree to maintain the certificate. One of her “cherished” memories was taking an MSU class in Jackson on “deviant juvenile behavior” during the summer of 1962 with her grandson (me!) We and two other of her fellow teachers from Chelsea drove to Jackson once or twice weekly for the class. At the end of the course she delighted in telling the professor that he had been teaching a grandmother AND her grandson and bet that it had not happened before! (We both passed but to my chagrin,I had the “A” and she had the “C” which didn’t bother her at all! We spoke of her finishing her degree but she said it was “too much bother.”

    BTW Jean put together a nice remembrance book of Grandma’s courtship, marriage & early years about the same year that Uncle Bill died. I remember showing it to Brian and later we made a copy for him. I also have her original teaching contracts for her first years of teaching. I will share later.

    • Thank your Peter for sharing this wonderful story! I would love to see Jean’s remembrance book. I may have to journey to Ohio with my scanner. I have on my list to create a blog entry Ruth and Reuben’s early years. It sounds like you have some great content to contribute. Ruth had an amazing life and I’m anxious to share it with the next generation.

    • B You have a fedex pkg arriving Thursday. I’ve included a copy of the scrapbook Peter mentioned.

      • it will feel like Christmas when the Fedex Man arrives! I have two stories I am dying to write — Ruth and Reuben’s early years and the Kansas adventure! Thank you Brian!

        • Did you get the copy of the scrapbook, Brenda? We are back in OH where I could access files and found the following corrections and additions!

          Grandma Ruth taught the following years and locations:
          1912-13 #7 Sharon Twp for $360/yr
          1913-14 #7 Sharon Twp for $360/yr
          1914-15 #13 Lodi Twp for $52/mo (9 months)
          1915-16 #13 Lodi Twp for $52/mo (9 months)

          I also have “Special Certificates” for her teaching each year at #4 Everett School, Sharon Twp for years 1947-52. Then #2 Beach School, Lima Twp for years 1952-55.

          I also have a personal letter from her while wintering in TX with Aunt Marjorie in 1975 in which she mentions “30 years of teaching.” The above were her first 12; were the others all in the Chelsea School system? Another 18 years would take her to 1973 when she would have been 80 years old. Can you find any documentation with the Chelsea Schools or Chelsea Standard newspaper re: her retirement??

          • Hi Pete, Brian sent me a copy of the scrapbook. It is wonderful that Jean made it and we have it now! I would love to get better scanned images of the photos.

            I’m sending you an invitation to our Box Account which is a collaboration tool for sharing files. Please check it out and, as always, more content is welcome.

            I have a lofty goal of documenting our family’s history via my blog with the dream of converting it to a book some day. In the short run, it has been a great catalyst for discussion. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful stories!

            Mary has pulled some stories from the Chelsea Standard and I have reached out to the Chelsea Schools. These are in the Box Account.

            I need to weave another story about Ruth’s early years as a teacher. I would love to include an image of your personal letter from her “Remembering 30 years of teaching”! The post is almost writing its self.


  13. We are returning home to OH from FL tomorrow (3/6.) I will try to remember to add more next week.

    • Thank you Pete. I knew you could best tell the story of you taking that class together that summer. I know that she taught at the country school on M-52, but did she teach elsewhere?

      • Grandma Ruth started teaching (before she was married) in Lima Center (as I recall. I have her signed contracts and will share the details when I get home to review them.) She later taught across the road from the Everett Farm home where they lived on M-52. I think this may have been after Grandpa died in 1951.) Her final teaching years were in the Chelsea School system and I visited her in her classroom for a college project in what I remember was called “North School” on the north side of the city.

        • I know after she retired from the Chelsea School System she sub’d in Manchester for a number of years.

          In Chelsea as you mentioned she taught at the North School but she also taught in a rural one room school “just one 1st grade class” for at least 2-3 years. I had visited her there when I wasn’t much older the 8-9 y/o.

          • Would that have been in Beach School? We know that she taught there 1952-55.

          • Pete, I think you are correct. I remember G-Ruth talking about the Beach School. I think it was out on Lima Ctr Road.

  14. There was a picture of Grampa Sodt and Uncle George. Grampa was standing with crutches and George was standing next to him. Grandma always had that picture on her bookcase. Does anybody have it and would be willing to share?

  15. Thanks for the wrap up! Now I feel like I was there!

  16. Thank you for the kind words and for sharing our blog. We are so glad you have enjoyed it. Now Life in Michigan will be part of our Shout Out page for others to find! XO

  17. Steffi your blog still has me chuckling. Thanks for listing us on your Shout Out Page. Have you watched the Sweetest Vegan’s videos on YouTube? I love her format. She does a great job creating converting traditional non-vegan dishes into yummy vegan dishes.

  18. Super fun time! The pre-race chatter was quite amusing… and the warm up hip-openers-in-kilt quite inspiring 😉 looking forward to the TRAIL 1/2 with y’all!!!

  19. The trick is NOT to tell people it’s vegan until AFTER they’ve tasted whatever it is you make. (Also having it smothered in dark (vegan) chocolate helps tremendously!)

    If you say the “V” word first, it’s a sure turnoff. Something psychological about pre-conceived notions and all that. Let the food speak for itself, you just sit back and watch the amazed look on faces.

    • You are so right Vegas Vegan! I served vegan enchiladas at a family Christmas party and no one suspected a thing until someone asked for the recipe. The look of shock was PRICELESS! Snobby Joes is another hit for non-vegan guests. I just made vegan Shepards Pie and the smell alone had co-workers asking for the recipe.

  20. Thank you so much, Brenda for this lively summary of our family history! I appreciate you and the time and care you have given to making this available – for us – your living and breathing kin.

    • You are so sweet Janice. I am loving every minute of the process, especially the connection to my MANY cousins. There are so many stories to share and I hope others will join the conversation.

  21. Boy, you miss a lot of cool stuff when you leave Ann Arbor for a week! Thanks for sharing the experience- looks like it was awesome! Looking forward to some quality time in the beer garden with you and Chuck soon. 🙂

    • Yes you do! And hopefully while you were in Florida we welcomed Spring to Ann Arbor.

  22. Nice post and photos on your new garden project. The perimeter fencing could be a useful place to put some everbearing Raspberries. I have canes that fruit in June and late September if you’re interested in some ‘volunteers’. 🙂 -J

  23. Thanks a lot for sharing this with all of us you actually know what you’re talking about… Bookmarked… Please also visit my web site =).. We could have a link exchange agreement between us! Plano Roofing Pros, 3420 14th Street, #103-C, Plano, TX, 75074, US, 214-556-5050

  24. Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about your looper problem. It sounds like you’re trying some good, organic options. We had loopers pretty bad in our garden last year. Our soapy, cayenne, tabasco spray had limited success in controlling the pests. What was most effective? Probably the most fun option.

    We had a group of students in the garden, and I wanted them to spray the plants to deter the caterpillars. They immediately became far too attached to the loopers to do anything that would cause them harm. But each kid wanted to hold more loopers at one time than their neighbors. They scoured our cole crops and found nearly every looper.

    We put them in jars. The kids wanted to take them home. I wanted the kids to step on the loopers (heartless gardener that I am). They wouldn’t hear of it. We reached a compromise — they decided to feed the loopers to some goldfish at a nearby “pond” (aquaponic unit, but for these purposes it’s essentially the same).

    Good luck with your pest problem and happy gardening!

    • I would agree Amanda picking the little critters off is working the best! We are collecting them for the chickens that Chuck’s brother owns. By way, love your blog! I just bookmarked it! Happy gardening.

      • Thanks for the bookmark! I enjoy your blog as well. Have a good one, AP

  25. All of these recipes look so delicious! Thanks for sharing!

    • You are welcome! Stop by again as I’m working on another blog post.

  26. Great information! “Son Heinrich O “Henry” Sodt, age 23 (born Jan 1858), his wife Anna Catharina Adelheid Linde age 22 (born Aug 1858)” is my direct Sodt ancestor. Their daughter, Lizzie is rumored to have been born on board ship while immigrating to America. There is a discrepancy in the dates. Her death certificate gives 1882 as her birth year, but the immigration records give 1881. She is listed in the passenger list as a female .03 yrs old in 1881.

    • Hi Debbie – Thanks for the comment and new information. I’ve updated the post to include it. Do you have a copy of the passenger list? We’ve been trying to find it. I’d love to include an image of it in the post. Brenda

      • Unfortunately, I don’t have a copy of it and I don’t remember where I found it. I do remember seeing it because that’s where I got the “.03 years old” My mom told me that her grandmother was born on the ship coming over here long before I came across the record that seemed to verify it, even if the death certificate seemed to contradict the ship’s manifest information. I used to have a photo of Lizzie Sodt but now can’t find it either, due to an unscrupulous moving company I fell prey to when I retired and moved up to Oregon from California. I will keep searching online and hopefully, will come across it again. Debbie

        • That is too bad that you can’t find Lizzie Sodt’s photo. If we find one I’ll be sure to post it for you! We’ve found a few website’s with ship manifest information. 🙂 Usually mom’s are rights so if your mom said it was so, I believe her.

  27. Hi, Brenda –

    Fantastic post. Fascinating story and a great reminder of the multitude of reasons people came to North America. I’m always humbled by the obstacles and struggles they overcame to make it here.

    Looking forward to more posts like this!

    – Cate.

  28. Brenda,
    Thanks for this post! Mabel Mae Sodt was my maternal grandmother. If I find any more info or pictures I will let you know!!


    • Hi Cousin! Thanks for the note. Please stop by often. If you are on Facebook, we have a page for the Sodt Family to stay connected. I’m working on a post about Christine Sodt next. Eventually I’m going to write a post showcasing Reuben and Ruth’s wedding. We have lots of artifacts from it that will be fun to share. If you’d like share Sodt Family Folklore send me an email [email protected] or leave a comment. Have a great weekend. Brenda

  29. Zucchini Oven Chips

    Combine in a bowl:
    1/4 C panko
    coarse sea salt
    fresh ground pepper
    garlic salt
    herbs du Provence

    Toss in a bowl:
    olive oil – about 2 T (or 1/2 olive and 1/2 peanut oil)
    2 small zucchini, scrubbed, sliced 1/8″ -1/4″ thick

    Heat oven to 425
    oil a baking rack or accordian pleat a sheet of heavy aluminum foil and pull 1/2 open- place either on top of cookie sheet

    toss sliced zucchini in olive oil, then toss again in combined dry ingredients

    spread without overlapping on of oiled rack or folded foil & sheet

    bake in top 1/3 of oven 25 – 30 min until golden golden brown and crisp

  30. Enjoyed the page. My GGG grandfather was Isaac Milner, the brother of Rachel Milner Brown.

    • Hi Mary! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I enjoyed writing it. I’m on a quest to document our family’s history for the next generation. If you have any stories or photos you’d like to share, please email me at [email protected]. I’m curious if know more about a Milner Brown that was a sheriff from about 1870-1900. Thanks Brenda

  31. I am working with the Belding Labor Day Festival to line up outdoor vendors for our “Arts on the Flat” portion of the weekend long festival. August 30 – September 2, 2013. Location is at the Belding Central Riverside Park along the riverwalk. I have attached the craiglist posting that has a few pictures of the park so you can get an idea of the area.
    I am trying to connect with my resources for contacts for outdoor vendors, arts, crafters and speciality foods (and/or farm market type vendors as well). We realize many vendors already have their schedules set for the year, but hoped we might still be able to reach out to some that would be interested.

    Any contacts, advice or direction that you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

    Belong are links to information and forms. Please pass it along to any interested parties. this links to all events for the weekend as well as the forms.

    Thank you very much and have a great day!!!

    Joanne Strobel

    • Hi Joanne,

      I posted on our Facebook page about your event. We’ll see if that can help spread the word 🙂


  32. The “lunchable ham roll-ups” were actually ham and onion wraps. But you are close enough 🙂

    • Thought those may be onions in there 🙂 Great idea for fest snacks!

  33. Avery looks like your dad !

  34. SO much here to enjoy: What an adorable, happy couple! Not only is your mom Elizabeth Jean, but my dad was William Dean. As twins that made them Betty Jean and Billy Dean – I’m not kidding, they were called that when Lulu wanted to get serious. Your dad once told me he courted your mom by waiting outside the nursing college for her in his pick-up when they were done for the week. There was nowhere to park, so he would circle the block. He always offered her a ride but she always walked back with the other nursing students. One day she finally accepted. He liked seeing her in her cape and cap! He might have been “pulling my leg” about circling in the pick-up, but its still a cute story.
    I love the clock wedding day calendar and the road trip-visiting-a few -relatives honeymoon. Not so many hotels and motels then. My parents drove Route 66 to California on their honeymoon a few years earlier and told harrowing tales. Last – my dad was always a feminist in the way he advocated for my mom, me and my sister, and his signature in the guest book is another example “Mrs and Mr William Brown” in his lovely script. Thanks so much for posting!

    • Thank you Janice for sharing this wonderful story! It made me cry.

  35. Comment from Dianne Sodt-Davitt: Great job.Mom never officially had a middle name. She always said since Lulu did not expect 2, she just gsve them each one name. Haha. I always thought they met Doug Kennedy’s wedding… Great job Bren

  36. Comment from Beth Corwin (Betty’s GrandDaughter) I didn’t find out until I was like 29 that Grandma’s middle name was Jean. You would think if you had a granddaughter with the EXACT same name as you (my middle name is Jean too after my mom’s mom) you would let her know. She must have really hated her middle name!

    • Betty always told me she didn’t have a middle name, I found out about 20 years ago it was Jean, so was my mothers. So now there are 2 Elizabeth Jeans.

      • And Beth is the best person to have been blessed with that beautiful name! Betty always told me she didn’t have a middle name. I wonder why she told Dianne and I that she didn’t have a middle name and yet there are many that who know differently. Betty! The woman of mystery.

  37. Comment from Stephanie (Betty’s Granddaughter) I love that picture of grandpa! That damn necklace, it makes me cry every time

  38. Comments from my sister Kris: her middle name is Jean and she is named after Betty. Kris also said that Betty would share stories from when she was in nursing school. One story included the large cape. She and the other nursing students would hide beer under their large capes from the nuns so they could take it to their dorm rooms.

  39. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Brown Family’s history and definitely look forward to more. Any pictures of our generation (the many grands of Albert & Lulu)? I appreciate all the effort you’ve put into this project. I know my mom (your Aunt Alice) enjoyed the day you spent, sharing some history. Love the pictures! My father looked so much like Grandpa Brown. Your older sibs might remember when Grandpa raised chinchillas (sp?), since I do.

    • thank you Ann for the nice comment. I am loving this project and wish that I could devote more time to it. I need to make another date with Aunt Alice. I enjoyed my afternoon with her. I am itching to write a post about Lulu. Clearly I didn’t know her but I’m betting she was a character. I’d love to hear more. I don’t have many pic Albert & Lulu with their grandchildren but I’ll see what my siblings have stored in their attics!

  40. Comment from Allen Kuhl — Brenda – I remember your father so well. He used to come up to the farm several times a week. Have coffee with Great Grandma Feldkamp. What a great man. Your mom was always so nice for letting us fish in the pond. I remember bailing hay for your father and brother. Was always hard work, at the Sodt farm because the bails were so heavy. Always a plus to jump in the pond after stacking hay..priceless moments. Now a days kids don’t even know how to bail hay.

  41. I loved this! I do not know you or your family, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading your piece. I was shocked by the story about Reuben! Thank you for sharing. Your parents were beautiful!

    • Thank you Laura. I too think they were beautiful. And I’m glad that you enjoyed our story. Stop by often.

  42. I didn’t know much about this race until reading your report… it is not something I would ever sign up to do, but I would have a good time watching everyone else do it! The costumes alone would be good entertainment 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recap!

    • You are welcome Alicia! I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

  43. The dwd hell was awesome! Thanks for posting this review and sharing your photos!!!

  44. My husband had vertigo and “where’s the bridge?”. He got his shoe stuck in the muck and when we looked back to get it the other was swallowed. Needless to say, he left with no shoes but a good story. Can’t wait for next year! Great article.

    • Thanks Jen for sharing your family’s DWD story. I love it. It was pretty rocky after the muck section on “where’s the bridge” and there was a fence to climb! plus a swim in the cow pond. I hope his shoes weren’t new 🙂

  45. The picture posted next to last is Aunt Minnie – George Sodt’s wife. They lived in Jackson. George was grandpa Rueben’s brother.

    • You know I studied that picture for the longest time. I thought it looked out of character for Lula. LOL. It has been removed from the post. Thanks for pointing it out Karen!

  46. Thank you so much! I am honored to make a list with Oh She Glows and Vegan Richa!!! Happy New Year!

    • Happy New Year Steffi! We enjoy your blog, “Don’t Fear the Vegan!” and are looking forward to your posts in 2014!…

  47. You gotta get in on Isa’s new cookbook “Isa Does it”…. It’s fabulous….

  48. Brenda,
    I love reading your blog!
    You are so smart and funny! Cheers to our friendship 🙂

    • Good Morning Sharilyn! Thanks for sharing our recipe and stopping by our blog! I’m looking forward 2014 and sharing more meals with you 🙂

  49. This might be the best beer festival review ever! At least the most accurate in my experiences. I always come home with a pocket full of cards and stickers and no recollection too. I do remember being really impressed by Unruly from Muskegon. I got to try some of my husband’s Blueberry Eisbock from Kuhnhenn, which was really good. Totally worth 3 tokens when you consider the time and materials that go into producing it. I didn’t see the cute t-shirts at Greenbush, but I did get a new Witch’s Hat one.

    The guy in the picture with Marty is Jon Pipenbrok, the Minister of Beerformation at Kuhnhenn, among other things.

    • Thank you Donna! I was a little worried about this post! I’m glad you enjoyed it…

      • Oh… And we’ve correctly spelled “Kuhnhenn” in the blog post. OMG I’m so embarrassed. I’m blaming on the beer.:) Blueberry Eisbock rocked and probably contributed to my memory loss on Saturday 🙂

  50. Great write up, Brenda. It was great seeing you and Chuck and 5000 of my closest friends. Michigan beer is the best!

    • Hi Cowboy Doug! We always enjoy seeing you! I’m looking forward to the next Michigan Beer Festival…How many days?

  51. OMG! Brenda you NAILED IT. I was laughing out loud while reading, because all of this is true. Then I tagged my friend who I was with and said the only thing you missed was the mysterious bruise that appears the next day….because that what happened to her. She thought that maybe it was from doing some fabulous high kicks and falling…do I tell her she wiped out (three times) upon exiting the port a john? I might just keep that to myself. And the fact that I didn’t help her up until the third time because I was laughing so hard. Really really (drunk) laughing.

    • Amy! So glad we finally get to meet and that you enjoyed the post. It is funny you mention the mysterious bruise as I was just looking at one on my foot and wondering how it got there…LOL. Let us know the next time you are close to Ann Arbor. We need to meet in person 🙂

  52. My wife Holly and I are the You person from near the Blackrocks table. It was one he’ll of a rude and fest for sure. I ended up with a concussion at the end of the day too. The show is called Black Shirt Beer Review. The episode for the Fest should be up in a day or two. Thanks foe gettin’ down with us. CHEERS!!

    • *….are the YOOPERS. Stupid auto-correct

      • OMG! The Yoopers. I’m going to look for the show “Black Shirt Beer Review”. We had a great time hanging out with you and Holly. We left the fest without any injuries beyond a mysterious bruise and headache! We are looking forward to the Summer, UP and Detroit Beer Festivals. Hopefully we will see you again either at a festival or online.

  53. Arcadia Frozen Dickicle was our Big Dick’s Older Ale with the water frozen off of it. An ice beer if you will.

    • LOL… Thanks Joshua for confirming that it was real and not something I dreamed up! It was very good, but I don’t recommend drinking a lot of it. 🙂 As I think it causes memory loss. We are headed to Arcadia on Saturday for a mini beer tour. May be we will see you there!

  54. Glad you liked the fire pit. Helps attract the ladies to my tent! See you at and event soon!

    • Schmohz! You had the BEST fire pit! Holy cow… Thank you… We will be at the Jackson Winter Festival next weekend and of course the Summer Beer Festival. We are looking forward to meeting the Brewer behind the fire!

  55. Brenda – those charming semi-frozen Brits (currently stuck in Ohio) are Ian and Debby Roberts. All the beers we tasted were top drawer and Grand Rapids itself is a totally brilliant little city.

    It was my Birthday on Tuesday (always proud of the fact that my Birthday is the same day as George Harrison) and amongst my prezzies was a really smart insulated jacket from Nautica, plus a pair of snow boots. As I unopened them, Debby casually said “Let’s try and get tickets for next year’s Winter Festival…”

    Thanks for the beer tokens!

    See you at the Summer Fest?

    • The semi-frozen Brits! You were so much fun! You really need to get out of Ohio… We hope you make it to the Summer Festival and hopefully the 2015 Winter beer festival too. We’ll be there for sure. Wouldn’t miss it. We usually go on Friday (FYI) to the Summer Festival. The Detroit Fall Beer Festival is a lot of fun, not as crazy as the other ones, but more festive — many great costumes as it is near Halloween. When you are in Ann Arbor next giving us a shout. Off to shovel snow! 🙂 Brenda

        • Brenda – Greetings from the two homesick (for Michigan) Brits in Ohio.

          Our favourite gastro-pub in Cowlumbus, the 101 Beer Kitchen recently had a Dark Horse tap takeover. I took a photo of the beer board, but can’t work out how to send it to you. Anyway, on tap was Crooked Tree IPA and CT Double IPA, Plead the Fifth, Tres Blueberry Stout, Fore Smoked Stout and Sapient Trip Ale. We obviously went for the rare stuff, so we plumped for the Double IPA, Plead the Fifth and Sapient Trip. All were STELLAR! A friend of ours had four Double Crooked Trees and then called me the next day to say he has no recollection of the hours between 8pm and Midnight. Honestly, these lightweight beer drinkers!

          It’s been total chaos since the 2014 version of KBS came out of Michigan. Jay, our beer manager mate at Whole Foods Market texted me to say that there was a line waiting outside the door before 9.00am yesterday and it was all gone inside 2-hours. There weren’t even selling the 4-packs; they made it a limit of two bottles, so that everyone had a chance of getting something. He saved a bottle for me, so I’m happy. Another beer store we frequent is releasing their stash of KBS tomorrow, so I expect the line will be a mile long.

          We’re definitely doing the Michigan Summer Fest – we tend to go on Friday too. We’re trying to plan a trip up to Traverse City as Debby wants to visit Short’s…it’s a work in progress. Cheers!

          • Ian and Debby! So glad our Brit friends are doing well in Ohio! 🙂 You’ll have to visit our facebook page and post the Dark Horse tap pic – KBS! Wow! We know its crazy popular, but good lord! Let us know your plans for the Summer beer fest and we’ll be sure to find you guys. We will be in Cleveland the weekend of 5/17 for the marathon, if you happen to be out that way. Take care! Chuck & Brenda

  56. For the second time, I was in awe of this show!, the artist the music, the atmosphere was amazing, I will never miss the chance to witness “experience Hendrix” , it is by far a wonderful experience for music lovers!

    • Thanks for sharing Gary! I completely agree. This was the first time I’d seen this tour. I dare say its better than Crossroads. I’d seen the Chicago show and I felt the energy at the Detroit show was much higher.

  57. Was able to walk right in and talk to Billy Cox for a few minutes. gave him a guitar pick to give to Eric Johnson. Billy was very nice and genuine to talk to, that made my night.

    • Awesome! I heard from a few people that said they were able to meet Billy. I know lots of those guys probably get swarmed by folks, but its very cool when they are willing to take a moment to chat with fans 🙂

      • Billy Cox was one of Jimi’s closest and trusted friends. That’s good enough for me! I would be thrilled to meet and converse with him!

  58. My Friend Bootsy is one of the greatest musisians a dis the connecting link to the great group that are channeling Jimi’s Music
    I had the honor of seeing Jimi perform live and can’t wait to see this show.

  59. Woohoo! Thanks for checking us out! We love new fans. Hope you’re hooked! 😉

    • I’m definitely hooked! Looking forward to watching more Roller Derby!

  60. Awesome shots! excellent coverage!!!

    • Thanks so much Bill!

  61. great shots of BST Chuck, any chance we could get a few to post on our social media sites? Shoot me an e-mail…

    • Sure thing Mike…will send you an email

  62. Sorry I missed such a good time, looked like a good party for a good man. As always, wishing you the best, take care you old billy goat, look forward to tipping one with you soon.

    Greg Davitt

    • Yeah, wish you’d been here Greg 🙂 Was a lot of fun! 🙂 We’ll definite tip more than one next time I see you 🙂

  63. Now that sounds like an amazing experience.My best run buddy has done the 50k several times, but I hadn’t seen the photos like this or video. Looks like a more intense RAGNAR adventure. It is now on my bucket list!

  64. Hey great piece and cool pics. Thanks for the love.

    • Thanks Bill!! We really appreciate all the hard work you guys did to put the fest together. It was great! btw- We went to White Flame and took more pics, so we’ll have a separate post on White Flame (and our following dinner at Public in Zeeland) coming up too! 🙂

  65. Isn’t it the best event ever. I’m so proud to live in the Water hill district,been here for fifty one years.

    • You are right Barbara! It is the best event ever. We had a great time.

  66. Planning our trip out west and this helped so much. Thanks for the wonderful ideas and pictures! Always good to see fellow adventuring Michiganders!

  67. Thank you your wonderful review of the show & kind words Chuck! Kudos for knowing who Satan is too 😉 \m/ Y \m/

    • You are more than welcome James! I really enjoyed the show and I’m kinda bummed the band has split up, but I know each of you are fine musicians who are quickly back into making more music.

  68. Hi Chuck,
    I found your website after Robert Randolph tweeted the National Rock Review article on the June 25 Royal Oak show. My husband, Ian, was the lucky fellow who got to jam on-stage with the band, and you are right, it totally made his night! Thank you for the kind comments. (Although, Robert made up the fact that he was from Oak Park — we actually live in Royal Oak!)

    I was busy filming the experience on my phone so Ian could watch it later and did not get any photographs. Are any of your prints available for purchase? Please let me know, it would be a great surprise for him. Thanks!
    Lauren Young

    • Hi Lauren – we’ll have to fix the post to reflect you guys are really from Royal Oak 🙂 Your husband did a great job and we are really glad you liked the post 🙂 As for prints, I’ll email you directly as I think we got a couple of shot of Ian jamming with Robert 🙂

  69. Thanks for including us in your article! It was a pleasure to meet you both and look forward to our next encounter… Cheers!

    • It was great meeting you too Jason! Looking forward to lots of good things from Mi.Craft.Beer.Culture! Look for us at the Summer Beer fest!

  70. My Aunt, Margaret Schill, would stay with Billie and also helped at the dances. She also met her husband, Earl Oltersdorf, at one of the dances at the PLI. They had many stories they shared with us about those dances.

    • Hi Deneine!I love your comment and would love to hear more of your Aunt’s story. Schill and Oltersdorf are good German names. Do you know when they immigrated to the US? I suspect they arrived at or about the same time as my relatives. I’m working on another post detailing my Grandfathers courtship of my Grandmother. I have some photos from their wedding, along with a few “love” letters. Brenda


  72. Sue and I loved your show!!!

  73. Great photo, great people, great post!

  74. Thanks so much for this great blog post! I would like to inquire about purchasing some of your photos to use in future promotions. They are really beautiful shots.

    • Hi Rene, we are happy you guys liked the post 🙂 We enjoyed the event very much and the beer is spectacular! 🙂 I’ll send you an email regarding getting the any of the pictures you’d like.

  75. Agree, agree, agree. What a fun cool event. Thanks for sharing the great pics!

    • Thanks Tony! Thanks for having the fun event at the store 🙂

  76. My wife and I try to get to the UP every year. We agree that the Porkies and the AmericaInn in Silver City are a perfect combination.

  77. spot on, although I’m doing the 50mile again this year. It’s a great race and can’t wait! Only 4 days to go!

    • 50 miles! Rock on! Hope you have a great run! Look for the Dark Horse folks and say hey 🙂

  78. Loved the write up! and BTW, that was no mask….”The Wolf”

    • Ahwoooooooooo… We loved the performance 🙂 Looking forward to next year. 🙂

  79. Know thy ennemy… The Imported Cabbageworm (ICW) is the larvae of the white butterfly. The cabbage looper is the larvae of a moth. The closeup image in my opinion is an ICW but then again you may also have some cabbage loopers attacking at the same time.

    • Thanks Bob!

  80. I love this story and it is so nice to hear stories from home. Funny to think that she was probably one of my grandfather’s teachers in Chelsea:)

    • Ruth taught school for many years! I bet she probably was one of your grandfather’s teachers. I’m working on more posts about her life and hope to post more soon!

  81. Very sorry…someone posted a comment and we accidentally deleted 🙁 The comment was asking about a Mary LeMarre who had been a nurse in Alpena. Just wanted to let you know that Mary LeMarre who commented was not a nurse in Alpena. Sorry for deleting your comment.

  82. Brenda,

    Thanks for contacting me. I could tell you were following everything I said. I’m afraid I’m not much of an expert on genealogy, I’m always researching just one person in a family. You can probably tell me more than I can tell you. If your relatives are buried in Salem cemetery they were probably Lutheran but I had wondered if they were Catholic since they worked on the north side of town. Also, where did they live?


    • Grace, Thank you for your reply. That is the wonder of genealogy, more questions than answers. Mostly the Luick’s lived on the West side of Ann Arbor but there was a definite split in the family. There were some living on the “North” side of Ann Arbor. Your comments during your lecture got me to thinking how religion impacted our history. Are you open to meeting for coffee? I’ve love to meet and chat.

  83. Thank you for this post! we recently moved to ann arbor and i was wondering where/what this trail is called? could you give me more info on it and is it well marked? would you feel comfortable running it alone during the day? thank you so much and i’m so glad i found your blog!

    • Hi Tracey! Glad you liked the post and blog. The area where this trail is part of the Cedar Bend Nature Area. The trail is very easy to follow and it branches off in a few directions. You can take it up to Cedar Bend Rd which connects to Broadway, you can take it up the steep hill like we did to the parking lot by the dorms on Hubbard, you can take it down to Island park and then pick up the paved trail by the river, or you can take it down to Fuller and then cross the road to pickup the Gallup park trail. We have had no problem running these trails by ourselves. There are also some great trails by Leslie Science center and over on Bird Hill (guess we’ll need to do a post about more trails in Ann Arbor 🙂

      • Thank you so much, i’m heading to check these trails out tomorrow. Please, Please,Please do more posts about trail running in this beautiful city. There is so much written about Pickney rec. area ( which is great) but i want more on Ann Arbor – it’s my beautiful backyard!

  84. Awesome article and great pics!! Was a stone cold groove and can’t wait for the next one!!

  85. Hi, my son was a part of your show. There band name is Destroy Us All and I am asking if I could get all the pics from the boys emailed to me.

    • Hi Michael – I’ll send you an email reply, we should be able to get you the pics

  86. Chuck I had no idea you could do this! Fantastic and delicious!

    • 🙂 Yeah, I’m jack of all trades, master of none 🙂

  87. Many thanks to you Chuck for all the hard work you put in for our humble metal scene. Very cool of you brother.

    • 🙂 Welcome! Thanks for the great music!!

  88. thanks

    • You are welcome and thank you for reading!! 🙂

  89. my first time at the 4 Elf Party and we had a blast… It was fun, food was good, fun, beer was the best, fun, so many friends, fun, friendly staff, fun, great pizza, fun, very organized considering a bunch of beer drinking fools, fun, clean and plenty of “jOHNS” so you could piss your money away… LOL looked like fun by all and no problems for such a large crowd… p.s. love our great server “Suzy” ………… If you missed it this year… don’t miss next year!!

    • Tons of FUN! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  90. Awesome shots! Great to meet you man! -dude in purple knit hat

    • Thanks Aaron! Was great to meet you as well! Loved the handmade hat! 🙂

  91. Is that a bottle of Bean-o I see in the background? I hope so!

  92. You should have kept poker

    • Unfortunately the State of Michigan has really tightened that venue up. In fact that is part of what lead to demise of Shark Club and other places

  93. Peacock is the last name of the owners, hence the peacock.

    • Ah…mystery solved 🙂 We figured they just loved those colorful birds 🙂 Thank you for the info!

  94. Wish I had met you during your visit. Would like to have given you some more history and a tour. Thanks for the mention.

    • Sorry we missed you Wayne! We enjoyed our food and the service was very nice 🙂 The updated fireplace is going to be really nice 🙂

  95. Hello “Life in Michigan”. Just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed your article about Dark Horse Brewery and the Naughty Snow Sculptures. My name is John Martinez and I am a representative of mARTinez Studio ART Club. The group of artists that created the snow sculptures. Also thought we’d let you know (if you don’t already) that the guys at Dark Horse are preparing for their “Staff Brew Off” to take place this weekend. The artists from ART Club are also gearing up to create some new and even naughtier sculptures this year. Hope you can make it out again this year and thanks for the promotion of this event and our art. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks so much John! We loved the sculptures from last year and we are definitely planning on attending this year to cover the event 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you guys create for us to enjoy this year.

  96. Now I’M the only person in Michigan who hasn’t visited Mudgie’s. On your recommendation, it goes on my hit list.

  97. Awesome pics…and my son(Tyler Asher) came in 3rd place…Congrats to all!

  98. Hi Life In Michigan!

    It was nice to see you guys again at Winter Beer Festival. I was just wondering if we could use one of the images from your FANTASTIC article about your visit to our Taproom a few months ago. The photo you took of our back-lit sign is awesome! We have struggled to get a good photo since it has been installed. Thank you so much for your consideration!

    Taproom Manager
    Unruly Brewing Co.

    • It was great to see you guys as well 🙂 I’ll send you an email with info on obtaining the photos

  99. … on the west side of the water tower (opposite from the door) there is a cross mortared in to the stone so well that you have to look hard to notice it…

  100. Chuck did my first Tattoo in San Jose Ca in 1972!

  101. i would like to be on the events list

    • LOL. I must admit, Chuck keeps the calendar full! We don’t have an official events list. But we are planning to visit Tecumseh in April when their brewery opens. We’ve got tickets to the Captain Ivory in mid-April at the Ark. And we are going to the Spring Beer Fest in Hudsonville in early May.

  102. When will the walking tours start? I’d like to to be able to walk around town to visit 2 or 3 of the sites if that’s possible. I could probably even bring a group of people with me if its on a Saturday or Sunday.


    • Hi Tony – Pure Detroit ( runs the tours. So far they haven’t posted when the walking tours will start. We sent them an email ([email protected]) to see when they will start. The tours are generally on Saturdays and Sundays. They have individual tours of the Fisher and Guardian going on now on Saturday and Sunday at 11am and 1pm. Check their facebook page for the most up-to-date tour info. When we hear about the walking tours, we will be sure to share on our facebook page as well.

  103. Scott and Jennifer Artz (us) are the people you met at One Well Brewing. I had a great time talking to you both. I am enjoying your blogs. Glad we ran into to you and at such a cool place!! Take care, we will definitely follow you both now. Maybe run into you at another brewery.

    • Jennifer! I said to Chuck, “I think their names were Scott and Jen” but we weren’t a 100%. We loved One Well Brewing. Great space and beer. We just covered an event in Jackson at the Jackson Market Place. Chuck keeps our calendar full and we are usually at Michigan Brewery Events.

  104. Hey, Nice review. I’ve been diggin that new album from the Muggs and will have to check out Cactus.

  105. My wife and I love to visit Greenbush when in the area. good beer, good food friendly people.

  106. Hello there! We are looking to run a set of billbaords in Jackson, MI that really depict the heart of summers in Jackson. We LOVE the photos you have from the Hot Air Jubilee and are interested in using one for our billboards. Can we have the original files and permission to use it in a print ad?
    Thank you!

  107. Very nice, you guys do great work! Thank you so much for coming to Springfest, and enjoying some of the new Michigan breweries, you captured great images from the day, I can’t thank you enough for sharing with us!

    • Thank you for inviting us! The Springfest is one of our favorite beer festivals. You’ve done a great job developing it. We are looking forward to next year.

  108. Hey guys!! Klay here from Trixy Tang. Loved the article and thank you so much for the kind words! Wondering if it would be ok to post the photos on to our page and give a thanks?
    Just making sure!

  109. love knowing on the past and present in Detroit

    • We do too Cathy! Thanks so much for reading 🙂

  110. Great article and amazing photos! Thanks so much for being there and capturing the spirit of the evening. It WAS fun…even for a designated driver! And how fun to be able to look at so many great pictures to remember it by. Thanks again!

    • We had a great time! It was a lot of fun. It was nice to meet you and the rest of the templar folks, plus all the other fun folks that showed up for the event.

  111. Excellent write-up and pictures! You definitely captured the spirit of the night.

  112. We had a great time, thanks for capturing it!

    • Thanks for inviting us! We are looking forward the Summer Beer Festival in July. We hope to see you there.

  113. What a great time!

  114. Thank you chuck, for the kind words and cool pictures!

  115. Last year, I really enjoyed “Tartanic.” They are a musical troupe featuring bagpipes, drums and dancing girls. What’s not to like?

    • True! But I’ve heard that Professor Angus MacLaddy is a featured guest this year. What do you know about him?

    • My favorite memory is the first year I moved to michigan and had never seen anything like this……the costumes…..the people playing in roles……..the happiness……..the silliness………it was a great welcome to michigan from Montana weekend!

  116. Thank you for the nice words. The band is most appreciative! We had a great time performing at the Ann Arbor Summer Festival and you couldn’t find better weather or a nicer crowd to play for. Your write-up and photos are very touching for us. Thanks again!

  117. Wonderful pictures capturing folks having a great time at the Summer Beer Festival.

  118. My grandfather was george sodt…my dad was harold sodt. I remember going to the. Sodt reunions as a child and someone who was called uncle reuben.. if you will google sodt elementary school in monroe mi you will see the school that was named after my dad. He was superintendent of jefferson schoo,s in monroe for 26 years. I also taught there retiring 8 years ago.

    • Judith it sounds like we are COUSINS! Your uncle Reuben was my grandfather (Dad’s father). My father passed away 25 years ago and Reuben died in 1951 (15 years before I was even born!). So I never made it to a reunion. You should be very proud of your father, superintendent of schools for 26 years is no easy task. And good for you for following in his footsteps.

      If you have any family photos or documents you’d care to share electronic copies of, I would be thrilled to accept them and add these to my growing archive. I have a scanner and will come to you :). Thanks for stopping the blog. Have a beautiful evening.

      Brenda Sodt Foster

      • Would love to get together.. where do you live? I live in Monroe…we could meet halfway at a restaurant. I could share what i know with you. Thanks for all of your research!! Judy

        • Hi Judy! I live in Ann Arbor and would be willing to come to Monroe. I mentioned to Brian Sodt that you commented and he said he remember you and your sister. My schedule is a little nuts for the next few weeks, but I promise to email with possible dates very soon!


    • Hi. This is probably a long shot, but here we go … I’m searching for Judy Sodt, Monroe, MI resident, graduating from Jefferson High School in 1963. My sister Analee was married to Marc Cisco, football coach at JHS for many years. I met and had a crush on Judy the summer of ‘64 or ‘65, a bit fuzzy with the timeline. She played a mean guitar and I just remember having fun together. I came back from AZ for the summer to play baseball in Toledo and stayed in Monroe. I attended ASU in Tempe, AZ, though I grew up in Lyons, Ohio, a small village East of Toledo. For some reason I’ve had thoughts of Judy recently ,,,, anyway, it’s Gary Clendenin. Is this the Judy I once knew that warm MI summer ?? Or, if this isn’t the Judy , well, then on to more searches. Thanks for any feedback. GRC

      • Hi Gary, thanks for your lovely comment. I wasn’t born until 1966 so I’m not your Judy. I’ll check my family tree details and see if there anyone who might be your Judy!

  119. “leave a comment with your favorite RenFest memory on our blog”:

    One year, we lost our 8 year old son at the Ren Fest. He got distracted with various things and walked away from us and we didn’t noticed immediately. We looked down and he is gone. It took us a bit to find him, safe and unharmed and having a blast as usual. Mom and I celebrated this adventure in successful parenting with beer. (don’t judge me!) LOL

  120. How far people used to have to walk because they had to park so far down Dixie Highway.

  121. How far people used to have to walk because they had to park so far down Dixie Highway. Hot as heck out.

  122. Taking my then boyfriend (now husband) to his first visit to the Ren. Fest back in 2003. Was a great time!

  123. My best memory was when a couple years ago we brought our granddaughter who was 6 we all had so much fun.. Everything fascinated her

  124. Best memory was taking my then bf, now hubby, for his first ever visit to a Ren Fest in 2003 and the washing well wenches getting him!

  125. Being dressed as a pirate and hanging with my crew “The Forgiven” at the Guiness Pub with The Dutchman listening to Roane.

  126. I have this great memory of the first time I ever went to a renaissance faire. I got put in jail and snuck my way out, only to be thrown back in jail again! The jousting is always my favorite and I can’t wait to go again some day!!

  127. Eating huge turkey legs and riding an elephant once are my fave Ren fest memories!!!

  128. We have been going to this festival for the last 3 years. My eleven year old just loves it. He had gotten into the whole midevil times back when he was 7 or 8 and we took him thinking how much fun he would have but we all had fun. There is something for everyone there. I now have 2 toddlers that we take and they have justvas much fun seeing all the different characters walking around along with some of the rides and animals. And my favorite is the different foods and my husband’s favorite is the beer and we all love the jousting shows.

  129. Our son, Thomas, who passed at the age of 25 last year, liked knights, shields, swords and all after visiting castles inGermany. Taking him ,and he also took his girl friend ,to the festival was always fun. We still have his code of armour flag hanging on our wall which he picked out long time ago.

  130. It was truly a wonderful experience when we went to Eastern Market and picked up our royal passes and tickets, to meet and listen to the performers was tremendous fun.

  131. This would be my first year… is there camping nearby? Just bought a new camper, sounds like fun!!

  132. My very first time here, i attended with my fiance and my soon to be best man. We were watching the parade and the jester ran up to me and acted as if he were going to hand me a flower. When i reached for the flower, he quickly smacked me on the top of my head with it instead. And of course, when the jailers brought the prisoners about and asked my husband to insult them, my husband said “you suck” the jailers promptly started yelling out “you suck” to the shackled ones. We laughed so much. We were married that November with a renaissance themed wedding.

  133. There are so many memories I have, it’s hard to choose just one! But, if I have to….it would have to be going to Ren Fest with my entire family and going to see Ded Bob. My father was called up on stage to play Ned. He had everyone cracking up, that for the rest of the day people were coming up to shake his hand and take pics with him.

  134. Love the jousting, always a fun time and a great way to spend the day.

  135. All beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing. Not too bad of a performance Chuck.

  136. Me & my lil brother use to go every year with our mom. Its been ovr 27 yrs since ive been bck but i still recall the smells of the food & insense! Best memory was of us sneeking off to have our mom arrested, thn her having to do silly stuff to get out of jail 🙂

  137. My favorite memory is the constant smile on my face the entire visit and so many laughs my stomach hurt. I love it!

  138. Sharing a big turkey leg with my 5 year old son. The food is the best! I also loved getting put in jail haha and shopping was great!

  139. Dressing up is my favorite part. It really takes you back to olden days. Getting to pretend you are someone elsr in a fantasy land is amazing. You can go to the different shopping stalls and buy great things. I also like the fairies. So magical. It’s history and magic all in one. ♡♡[

  140. My favorite memory of Ren Fest is our trip last year. My husband and I spent the first day of our honeymoon at Ren Fest. The day started out beautiful, but by the afternoon it started to rain. It didn’t bother us, we love the Festival rain or shine. We saw all our favorite shows – Ded Bob, The Wasing Well Wenches, the Joust, Knotty Nauticals and the Pirate Auction (hint, hint; wink, wink; nudge, nudge!). Every year there has been something new to discover and an old friend to see again. That’s how you feel every time…like an old friend and you don’t want to leave. Raising my tankard to you all for another great season – Huzzah!!!!

    • CONGRATS AMY! You won our random drawing! Thank you and everyone else that left comments 🙂 Amy – we’ll send you an email to get your address to mail the tickets to you.

  141. A high-ranking clergyman dressed in hellfire red from head to toe was selling indulgences. We bought one for our friend, whereupon he loudly accosted the man, shaming him visciously to the delight of passers-by and the amusement of the children. Commanding him to his knees to beg for God’s mercy, of which he was most obviously and decidedly undeserving, he placed a hand on his forehead and bellowed the lewdness of his sin for all to hear. (Some stuff we prompted, some he just made up, and though he never broke character, he cracked himself up a few times.) He ended with a disgusted dismissal of the lascivious wretch before him, and offered his deepest condolences for us, those misfortune enough to keep his company. Good times.

  142. I really enjoyed the jousting tournament and also the demo with the birds.

  143. Watching the jousting competition with my kuds when they were younger. ..

  144. Hello!

    My name is Kaitlyn Price and I am the Social Media Marketing Director for Kathy Toth and Toth Team Keller Williams. Kathy and I are interested in doing a “Meet the Expert” interview with the owner of Beer Grotto and/or any managers or co-owners. We would like to schedule a time that would work best! Please email me at [email protected] or call 734-660-5627! Thank you and we look forward to working, marketing, and networking with you!

  145. Thank you once again for sharing. I was an amazing video.

  146. I N C R E D I B L E
    Thanks for sharing your amazing trip. Jeff rocked those short trousers! Your commentary and the photos transport us there.

  147. It was my first time attending as my Family McLeod reunion is usually held on the same weekend in Canada on the shore of Lake Huron. Had the most fantastic time. The food was great and I even bought a kilt (loud McLeod) for my granddaughter. The music brought back wonderful memories of my trips to the Isle of Lewis. Thank you for bringing such talent for all to hear. I hope to be able to attend future Games.

  148. I met my husband there 11 years ago! ❤️

    • That is awesome!! Congrats on 11 years of marriage 🙂 Have fun at German Park

  149. Great site and very informative.

    Thanks for sharing the information and pictures.

    T. Rex

  150. Brenda, I went there for the first time during the highland fling as well. I had a great time with my friends, so much that we’re going back again in a few weeks. I think this will be a yearly thing for us! I loved all the art shops!

  151. Makes the Keweenaw look like all we do is drink

    • We certainly don’t want to imply that is all to do in the Keweenaw! There is a ton of outdoors activities and history. This post probably reflects more that we love a good beer and that the Keweenaw is a great place to relax and enjoy beer that is made right there in the U.P. 🙂

  152. I live in Hancock and have never been to the Copper Harbor Brewery. So much to see here and we take it for granted. Keep the places coming. thank You

  153. I have Family in Michigan but have never been to Michigan.

  154. Nice work, We owned a home on the belvedere for 40 years

  155. the Weathervane restaurant houses an Earl Young exhibit in its basement. It, the Wathervane Terrace Inn, and the Lodge across the street were all designed and built by Earl Young-

  156. Do you have a print copy? Just asking because that’s my TBird in the story. Ron

    • Hello Ron – Unfortunately, we don’t have a print copy of the blog. If you would be interested in a print of the picture, let us know and we can work on something with you.

      • Yeah I would buy a copy by mail or possibly an emailed copy. Thanks Ron

  157. thanks for the article Chuck! This is awesome!

  158. Hey! Thanks so much for sharing these photos with the world – they are beautiful and do indeed capture the passion of these fine, fine musicians. Cheers!


  160. Love the post, love this band. I discovered Nina doing a solo act at the Rockery in Wyandotte, she gave me her card, said she played in a band called the Buffalo Riders, I’ve been following her ever since. Great seeing a young band like this playing so well and writing their own music, Life is good.

  161. hey, great review! We haven’t been there yet but it’s in our neck of the woods. Give us a shout if you’re ever headed back!

    • Thanks!! Its a good place 🙂 Its been too long, so yeah give us a holler and we’ll meet you there 🙂

  162. I made the signs and custom steel napkin holders, mailbox and other rustic pieces for this beautiful place. It is a great atmosphere with even better brews and food! It’s a must go place in Michigan!

    • Great work! It adds a nice touch.

  163. Looks yummy — my grandmother made a barrel or two of kraut every year to get us through Winter. Love your Life In Michigan sharing. Thank you both,Barbara

  164. How do I get two photos from the Dark Horse 4 elf party? Photos 129 and 139.

    • Hi Doug – we’ll get in touch via email

    • Hey Doug – can you send an email to [email protected] and I can work with you to get them

  165. In reference to the “caption” on picture four above: “We were happy to find the sound guy when we arrived and to know he had everything well in hand. (We really need to get his real name!)”. Eric Schnaitman is his name (guy on the left in the picture).

    • Excellent!! We see him at the events. Sorry Eric for not having your name firmly in our heads!

  166. Thanks for sharing — Good to see people enjoying music and grub.Great to be out kicking up your heels.
    Happy New Year,

  167. Thank you so much for coming out and capturing our magical evening! Your photos are, as always, really stunning. Cheers!

  168. thanks for sharing!! looks like a wonderful evening

  169. Great article!! The drummer accompanying Scott Knies (Brother Red Squirrel) was Sundance, aka Sunny! He is the owner and an instructor at the Tree of Life Cultural Arts Studio that’s in Chelsea. Check them out!

  170. It has been at least 30 years….cheers to you and our best wishes!

  171. went their last week, the food was great, the chefs were great, friendly, came around an talked to everyone, the place was clean. Had a good time.

  172. Interesting…So my dad, Melvin, was from Buffalo NY area, his dad and mom were Leonard and Ida [Sappelt] Luick. Leonard worked as a cook over in NYC when he was 20 or so, I think he was born in the late 1800s.
    Other folks have tracked our Luicks through PA, but I’m not so sure. I do know my dad told me the Luicks came originally from Austria.
    Just wondering who Leonard’s relatives were [saw a picture of him with a group of folks when I was just 5], and for which fire department he volunteered . I know he died in South Florida and was a practicing Lutheran. I don’t know where he was buried, or the date. I guess I should look up the Obit to see if it tells family, if I can find it.
    Any record of waves of Luicks coming from Osstereich?
    I am Florida-born, but there are a heap of Luicks down there now – mostly snowbirds.
    I live in North Carolina.
    By the way, the stone at the top, Jacob Heinrich Luick – Hirr Rust [here rests], and the ‘gebo’ which is short for ‘geboren’, German for ‘born’. Indicative that he and his family spoke German, and most likely, the community as well. It’s interesting that “Hirr” is not the correct German “Hier”. Maybe a dialect? Old spelling? Indicative of spoken, not spelled? Just a thought.

    • Hey Cousin! I’m not much of an expert on our family’s genealogy, but my sister and cousin have very extensive accounts. I’ll give them a heads up you are looking for details. I’m sure they know which town the Luicks in my family tree immigrated from. My great, great grandfather, Andrew Lewick, immigrated to the US in 1830. When he arrived in the US his name was Johann Adreas Luick.

      • I’m in Buffalo, NY. My great grandfather was Julius Sappelt, Joseph’s brother. joseph was Ida Sappelt Luick’s father, whom married Leonard. I’ve been researching the Sappelt tree for 20+ years. Have some info you might like.

  173. Glad to find this. Love Chris DuPont and off to Johnnys this weekend.

  174. Hello. Trying to connect with Chuck. We met at Jets in Chelsea. I run sound there, long grey goatee. Anyway, my sister in law was asking if she could have Chuck come out and take pictures of her traveling Murder Mystery Show. She is performing Saturday in Adrian, and has another date in Ann Arbor. Her name is Tami Hindes

  175. Thanks for the memories. I remember visiting the restaurant in my youth. Later, my husband and I often went there for a beer and a knockwurst sandwich. I took my mother there before we left Michigan. We had the best saurerbraten.

  176. I have to say something here. As magnificent as the images and photography is, I promise you that it doesn’t remotely compare to seeing Eric’s work in person! Breath-taking art and craftsmanship merely begins to describe Eric’s art.

  177. Eric and I started the journey that led to the clock nearly two years ago and I have marveled at his passion, creativity, attention to detail and genius from the start. I echo Art’s comment that photographs do not do come close to capturing the visceral energy and craft of his work. I was blown away when I saw the clock and can’t wait to have it. Thank you Eric.

  178. Eric and I started on the journey that led to The Jungers Commission about two years ago and I have been totally blown away by his vision, craft, and genius from the start. Genius is an over-used word and, after experiencing Eric’s clock, I’m going to use it a lot less frequently. Writing as the person who is going to hide it away in a wine cellar, i feel badly that more people won’t get to see it. One of my missions in life is to proclaim Eric’s genius from the mountain top in the hopes that clocks like mine will begin to steadily flow far and wide from Royal Oak, Michigan. Thank you Eric.

  179. Greetings from a distant Brown cousin!
    Great story line to bring your Brown genealogy to life!
    I am decended from William, brother of James. 9 generators back. I guess you know, though not mentioned, the brothers’ story as Quaker preachers, both founding fathers of Nottingham in the new colony of Pennsylvania.
    Anyway, do you know of any decedents of James who have taken a Y-DNA test?
    I discovered a 4th Brown cousin who had. A few other seemingly close matches have been tested, but we don’t know their connection, before or after the brothers. It would be fantastic to get results for a known descendant of James!

    • P.S. re-reading, you did mention the Quaker background. So, you could strike that clause out and this note. I only missed the mention of the brothers’ high profile with William Penn, and their roles in establishing the frontier settlement of Nottingham.

    • Hello Cousin! I have a few details on the Quaker preachers, but would love to hear more! I’m not aware of anyone who has taken the Y-DNA test, but the Browns are an independent bunch. I will send your comments to my sister and my cousins who have more Brown Genealogy details. Is it ok if I share your email with them? Stop back soon!

  180. Had an absolute blast. Can’t wait for next year!!!

  181. Congratulation to your creation. A great piece of art.
    It took my breath away, when I saw these images here.
    Kind regards
    Chris , Zürich, Switzerland

  182. please sign me up for your email list. thanks!!

    • hi Shelia, we will add you to the email list. Thanks for asking!

  183. looking for two pieces of 4/4 walnut to make shelves 5’X8 feet and a piece 8/4 walnut 8 inch width to make some diamond bowls.

    • Hi Paul,

      Sent you an email and copied Evan and Kari from Tree Purposed ([email protected]). Best bet is to contact them directly. Best wishes with your woodworking projects!!

  184. I would like to volunteer at a state park or forest for a week or two during the summer or fall of 2016.

    Please let me know how I can do that. I am retired and enjoy the forests and waters of Michigan.


    Roger Stanley

    • Hi Roger – Our post is a few years old, but your best bet is to contact the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) – Laurel Malvitz-Draper at [email protected] or 248-359-9057 for southeast Michigan, and for southwest Michigan contact Heidi Frei at [email protected] or 269-685-6851 ext. 147

  185. Nice start. Story has good texture. Dad used to tell me of his job of starting the fire in the stove at the Everett school. He also talked about going to the Silver Lake school. I’m guessing one of the older students who live nearby would have had the steps shoveled and the fire going. Trolz boy? Nice touch with the Fox and Geese. Is the Kraft school now the Sharon township hall where we had the family reunions, or was that before your time? Guess it was. Remember Martha, MB and Kris there. We had to perform. Spikes sang. I remember orating Longfellow….” Under the spreading chestnut tree the village blacksmith…….” The men played horseshoes and seemed to share some concealed libations back by the cars.

    • Thanks Brian. Yes, I’m guessing they would have too, but as the author I took creative license with her story 🙂 No Craft School is buried in the hills. Not too far from Marg and Joe’s place today. Evertt school was at the end of Grass Lake Road as you know and I believe the school house where the reunions were held was on Pleasant Lake Road, now the township hall. Do you know who owns the original photo of Ruth spanking Johnnie? I’d love to get a better copy.

  186. This was lovely! Thank you for sharing!

    • Thank you Cynthia! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I busy working on the next scene and hope to publish in the next few weeks. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you won’t miss it!

  187. Thanks for sharing this. My parents both attended one – room school houses- with many positive memories. I enjoyed reading this.

    • Thanks Sylvia! I really enjoyed writing post and all ready working on the one in a series about my grandparents. By chance did your parents attend one room school house in Michigan?

  188. Hi Brenda, I found this information while searching for some family members and realized that I might be able to help you. My GG Grandmother was Cordelia Maroney. My grandfather Paul C Maroney was the son of Clarence W Maroney and the grandson of Daniel W and Cordelia. Paul, and my father Daniel R. worked on the family tree for years. I am now trying to help my elderly father with some more history. I don’t know if I have anything specifically that might help you other than the information that is shown in our family tree on Ancestry, but there is a possibility that we might have some files that my grandfather gathered years ago. I also have the Emerick family bible in my possession. Let me know if there is anything specifically that you might be interested in. Thanks Mike

    • Mike we are like cousins! Your comment is a dream come true. I would love to meet you. The Emerick Family Bible, when I read that sentence the hair on my arms stood up. I am writing a story and one of the characters is based upon Ephraim Emerick and finding the family bible. I would love to see it. I will email you.

  189. Just joined ancestry and traced back my ancestors to Schale. My mom graduated from Manchester high school! Pretty funny. My second great grandmother was a Gieske and her father and mother were baptized in Evangelisch, Schale!

    • Welcome cousin! I have several documents you may find interesting and I’ll send them to you via email. I think we are related. Ester Rosa Sodt married Lambert Henry “Bert” Gieske on December 13, 1905. Was your second great grandmother Lambert’s mom?

  190. Chuck, we can’t thank you enough for this awesome article. We are sharing it on our Paddle Hard Brewing social media today. Your website and writings are great, and I hope you know how much we appreciate this!! Cheers, and hope you stop in again soon!!

    • Hi Cindy – It was our pleasure to share our thoughts on Paddle Hard Brewing. We will definitely stop up again as we enjoyed the atmosphere, the food, and the awesome beer.

  191. Great article and yes, this place is a hidden gem and we LOVE it!

  192. It is a fabulous place to socialize…great staff, atmosphere, beer and food all fabulous!

  193. Paddle Hard is an awesome brewery that also has excellent food. The owners and employees are genuine down to earth people who have all become cherished friends. Do not miss out on visiting this gem if you are in the area!

  194. Love Paddle Hard when I head back home. Live downstate but head to Grayling often. Great People Beer and food. Cheers to you !!!!!

  195. Outstanding coverage of the SARS grave dedication ceremony at Forest Hill Cemetery on Saturday, may 14, 2016.



    • Thanks for the lovely compliment and more important, thank you for inviting us. John, if others want to attend a similar ceremony, where is information about the upcoming ceremonies published?

  196. I almost forgot! We’ve more pictures in our gallery. Nearly 100! We don’t mind if you download the pictures and share on your favorite social media sites, but please give Chuck or LifeInMichigan photo credit and don’t remove the watermark.




    • It was our honor to be at the event. Thank you so much for including us.

  198. I would like you to help us with a display at Cobblestone Farm museum. We would honor Josiah Cutler in the house where he lived for such a brief time. Would it be possible for you to come to the farm.

    • Hi George, I’ll send you a private email message. We would love to help.

  199. I need an exterior wood slab to cap a short stone wall. It would be exposed to the elements. The cap needs to be 2″-4″ high, 8′ long, and a minimum of 12″ wide, 14″ would be better. I place a standard 2″ x 12″ temporary and it just reaches the edges.

    • Hi Scott,

      Best bet is to contact the folks at Tree Purposed directly – their email is [email protected] I’ll send your email on to them as well.

  200. Thank you to both of you for this wonderful presentation honoring our ancestor, Josiah Cutler. Our family has enjoyed viewing it and reliving the events of May 14th.

    • It was our pleasure to attend. We are thrilled that you and your family have enjoyed the story. It was a touching service and revealed some fascinating local history.

  201. Really enjoyed this visit home. Great to see Jackson celebrating in SteamPunk Style. Love the shots of the Trash Cats and Drew rocking out. I need to make a road trip. Thanks.

  202. Awesome photos you guys!! 🙂

  203. Brenda – what a great trip! Wouldn’t every genealogist love to find such a treasure trove of history. I enjoyed this – learned a few things – and thought the photos were great! Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Denise it was a wonderful trip and I agree it was a treasure trove of history just waiting to be explored. I hope others wanting to research their families will not over look local resources like the Coe Museum. It provides the social context to understand our ancestors’ lives.

  204. Awesome read,thank you.

  205. This was also our first chicken wing thing we got there at 11 for the release of Toonilla we had a great time We left around 4 to goto the county fair demo derby but came back to finish the nigh at chicken wing thing and got to watch Freight Train rabitt killer, it was a Johnny cash metal blues sound that kept the house rockin till after midnight. I think they were one of the best eccentric performances I’ve seen at a small venu.

  206. my grandpa orville alexander was standing at the bar when he came in and stood next to him and shot the bartender

    • Wow…that had to make for some intriguing family stories! Thanks for sharing!!

  207. Awesome write up Brother! Love these bands…. Keep it up

  208. Will be checking you out soon!

    • Legs Inn has been a favorite stop every time we go North. I have told Many, many people about it. I don’t like it when they cover up the beautiful wood with ugly beer signs or holiday decorations. Leave it true.

  209. Legs Inn is a wonderful place to visit. It’s like M119 (the Tunnel of Trees) is the rainbow and Legs Inn is the pot of gold! Just don’t be in a big hurry to get there. The road is narrow and winding – it’s a scenic route that is meant to be savored. You also want to have time to visit the other interesting and fun places on the Tunnel of Trees like the Tea Room, A Gallery and Good Hart General Store.

  210. I have a picture of my father and I there at the Legs Inn when I was 10 years old. I’m 60 now and my wife and I still go.

  211. Would love to your place

    • What is the address to your place ? Would love to see it

      • I am
        Polish and would love to see this place!!!

  212. Comment. Do they really close Oct 18

    • Hi Julie – From Legs website, it appears that Oct 18th is really the date they close 🙁

  213. A wonderful venue with great food and ambiance !

  214. I would love to come there. I am of polish heritage. I would also be interested in the prices of your cottages? Are there any availabilitys in October yet?

    • Hi Jann – best bet is to call Legs Inn directly at 231-526-2281

    • Love Legs Inn, food is just awesome, a real treat after the tunnel of trees.The only

  215. I enjoyed reading about your visit to Grass Lake. I was born in Jackson and my great-grandparents came to Grass Lake in the early 1890s. They raised five children there. My great-grandmother taught school locally for many years. In her later years she taught the grandchildren of her earlier students. My great-grandfather was a tinsmith, with a shop on Michigan Ave in town, and later he worked in area factories.

    I have written a family history, recently published, and I intend to give a copy to the Coe House

    Bloomington, Indiana

    • Hi Benjamin, If you don’t mind me asking, where and when did your great-grandmother teach? My grandmother taught school in Grass Lake in 1912. Is your family history published online? Or is it available to purchase?

  216. I worked for Alex as a carpenter and bar tender in the 70’s.
    Living in Cross Village were some of the best years of my life.

  217. This is exactly what we love, since my husband is polish, and I love polish food. Thanks will have to check it out.

  218. This place sounds fantastic. Is there a long list for reservations

    • Hi Joyce,

      I don’t believe they take dinner reservations. The cabins can be reserved.

  219. I still do not know where you are located in MI. What time of the year are you open. Could you post pics of the cabins. Prices?

    • Hi Sharon – Legs Inn is located in Cross Village which is 16 miles north of Harbor Springs (Northwestern Lower Michigan). Your best bet for information on when they are open and cabin prices is either to call them at 231-526-2281 or visit the web site at

  220. I was 7 years old when my Dad bought a farm who’s address was Cross village Michigan. I went to one room school that was 3 miles from the farm.walked in the summer & skied in the winter. When I became a teenager that was one of our hangout, and there were a lot of Indians a round. I remember the Smolack family. My teacher & mailman both lived in Cross Village. At one time you could buy things made by the Indians the last time I was up there they were made in China, it made me sick to see that. I could go on & on I alway called that area Gods country. I was so happy to see your picture of Legs Inn. The Smolack family have a lot to be proud of.

    • Thank you so much for sharing your memories!

  221. Hello,
    Why are you closed on October 18??

    • Hi Julia – We aren’t quite sure. I would hazard a guess that after the leaves drop, things slow down up there and they keep it quiet for the winter 🙂 Good question though.

  222. Really unique. Was there in the 1960’s….yes, need to get back.

  223. Is Cross Village where the largest cross is??

    • Nope. The Cross in the Woods is located in Indian River about 35 miles southeast of Cross Village.

  224. You close the 18th of October, but when do you open ?
    Also , do those dates apply just for the cottages to rent or also to Legs Inn, the restaurant ? Are both closed for late fall and winter???

    • Hi Grace – Your best bet to answer these questions is to contact Legs Inn directly at 231-526-2281. We did see that they open just before Memorial Day and close for the season in late October each year. I would assume this applies to the cottages, but I would recommend calling them direct to confirm.

  225. Sounds very interesting. Will look into it for next year. Barbara H Carie

  226. Wonderful story! I was there and have now seen Katelyn 4-5 times. She’s an inspiration. You do great photography too, Mr. Marshall.

    Herbie Hughes

  227. Great article. You describe the bands with enthusiasm and praise so much so that people should be drawn to check out performances on both bands. Great local music LIVES! !!

  228. Thanks for the great article on Risky Brenda and the awesome picture of my kid 🙂

  229. Brenda and Chuck, you guys have outdone yourselves with this story and we are so proud that you came out and did this for our opening! We hope to have much more to share with you and everyone that visits! I am very much looking forward to seeing more about your Aunt, Brenda! She would make an awesome exhibit in the museum, so get your Cousins on board! again, thank you both so much for the support and effort you put into every post! It shows! We will have a new event soon that will be right up your alley, get in touch when you have time and we can fill you in. It will include libations and maybe even a few Troopers for Chuck and me!

    • Hi Scott! Thank you for inviting us and don’t forget to invite us to future events. If we can squeeze it on the calendar will be there.

  230. Hi! I just moved to MI this fall from CA. I haven’t run for a few weeks because of the snow, and just found your blog (I know these posts are several years old). I love running, and completed the Detroit marathon in October:) I have a question for you, could you recommend any running trails or locations near me? I’m in Madison Heights which I believe is just about 45 minutes east of you.

    • Hi Gabby – You can find good running at Stony Creek Metropark which is about 30 minutes North of you. There is a great park called Kensington Metropark which is about 40 miles west of you. Island Lake State Park has great trails as well, and its just south of Kensington. Finally, there is Highland State Rec area to the Northwest about 40 minutes from you. There are some smaller parks near you, but we’ve not been to them, so can’t say how the running is. Enjoy!

  231. It is time to revisit Frankenmuth. It is a beautiful town. Bonners is fabulous.

  232. Great Pictures and story Jenny!

    • We agree Julie! We are so glad Jen contacted us and was our very FIRST guest blogger. We hold she’ll be back.

    • Thanks Aunt Julie 🙂

  233. so glad you had a chance to go there, that is 1 of the things I miss since leaving Dearborn, Mi. and moving to Hernando, Fl.

    We should go back just for the chicken alone

    thanks for the article and pictures

  234. I LOVE this place! Thank you for the article.

  235. Great article! It was a wonderful event. Thanks.

  236. Looks very,very nice !

  237. Interesting – but the history of the Luick family always seems to be shrouded that way.
    My father told me that our branch came from around Salzburg, Austria. That’s just across the line from the Munich, Germany area.
    My grandfather, Leonard, was a cook in NY, married in Buffalo NY to an Ida Sappelt, and that’s as far back as I can go.
    Any ideas?

    • Hi Paul, Thanks for visiting The Luick’s from my branch of the family are from Wurttemberg, Germany, which is in central Germany. My sister and cousin are the genealogy experts. I will email them with your contact info. They may have some ideas to kick-start your research. Thanks again for leaving a comment. Brenda

      • Hi Brenda. This is Duane David Luick. I would like to talk with you. My triple great grandpa is Yohan David I ‘ve been to the grave.I am Supervisor of Lima twp. My son Dale Luick is a trustee.My grandson is August Luick. 9 weeks old. We all live in Lima.Contact me at Liam twp offices 7344752246

        • Hi Duane, Or should I say, “Hi Cousin!” Yes I will reach out, I would love to share family history notes. B.

          • Looking forward to hearing from you cuz!

  238. don’t book with this business. We booked last year, December 2016, and no snow. They promised to send a refund. So far, no refund in over a year

  239. Thanks for sharing. Lovely shots once again.

  240. My favorite restaurant! Watched the restoration and so excited that the renovation and food are superior!

  241. looking for any info, documentation, research suggestions; on one of my fathers side of the family. 1799-1866 John Witherbee/Wetherbee. His sons were
    civil war veterans. looking for input as to who he was, why he came to grass lake from new york. i.e. any sources?

  242. I was not able to attend looks like a great time Maybe next time.

  243. Very nice … thank you! We’re waiting for your return to welcome you home! Hugs, Bud and Kelly

    • Hi Kelly! We can’t wait. We have a reservation in August! We can take summer pictures.

  244. Love this post! Looks like michigan to me. Love the history lesson too

  245. Great pizza mix! Meijer used to carry but haven’t seen it there in months! Bummed!

  246. We enjoyed listening to Jeff at the Chelsea Alehouse Brewery two weeks ago. I highly recommend it. Come on out and visit Chelsea. Ours is a special little city.

  247. Jeff is so amazing and so disappointed we did not know He was performing st the Al House. How Exciting!!!! Will he be back again ???

    • We are sorry you missed the show. We heard he may be back on April 15th. Please check in with the Chelsea Alehouse to confirm.

  248. My late husband and i were only there once, and I think he was keeping me away because he and his buddies stopped their on their annual trip ‘up north’ to ‘fish’. He was a wonderful man. husband, city father (Hastings, Michigan), and sorely missed, especially by me. Now my memory of Legs In and Cross Village has reached the height of fantasy because it will be another place, like fabulous Mackinac island that I will never see again. Without my husband beside me the thrill would be gone. Thank you for posting this.

    • You are welcome Emily. It is a wonderful restaurant. Your husband had great taste in food!

  249. They reopen May 19, 2017 and will be open until mid October. Many of the waitstaff actually come over from Poland and work for the summer. The food is authentic, the servings are huge and the atmosphere is second to none. Enjoy the tunnel of trees or take the inner roads for a shortcut. The gift shop imports goods (China, jewelry and gifts) from Poland. This place is a gem!

  250. I would like to receive your FREE newsletter. I plan to visit but would like to know your schedule
    of being open for dining. Also, please provide PRICES for Polish food and others. Is
    the lunch menu cheaper than the dinner menu? Thank you.

  251. I’m one of those big bad bikers that visit when I’m riding 119. Always stop for food and a beer at this Inn and have lots of memories from the landmark. Thanks for the hospitality, Peepers from the Jokers M/C!

    • Love the “Bad Bikers.” It is s beautiful spot in Michigan and perfect place to refuel your soul!

  252. I will definitely check this out this summer. Thank you.

  253. Great place… wish it was open all year. This place would be a destination for snowmobilers as it’s near the trails end. I think they’d make a killing.

  254. I was disappointed in the food…sorry to say.?

  255. My first visit was with a friend, Bob Paulus who’s mother owned a small coffee shop in Cross Village. He introduced me to Stanley. That was around 1960. I lost track of Bob and would like to see him again. He became a police officer in Detroit. I presume he retired from there.
    He said that someday he wanted to settle in some far away place, away from people, like Batchawana Bay Ontario.
    That was a lost weekend!
    Stopped there on our honeymoon in 1965 too.

  256. In 2015 we traveled the tunnel of trees. No color only green leaves and Leggs was alreaduclosed. We were disappointed. We live Polish food.

  257. Great place and a nice ride through the tunnel of trees to get there.

  258. Added to our Bucket List for this Summer! I am Polish and VERY PROUD of my heritage! I visited Poland with my family to meet my Great-Grandfather in the mid 70’s. Beautiful country and real, authentic people! Hope we can convince my parents to come along for the ride! Can’t wait for the Kapusta!

  259. directions and pictures and price of cabins please and thank you. I live in Florida but coming to Mich. for a month in July….

    • Hello – Great questions! We aren’t actually affiliated with Legs Inn. Your best bet is to give them a call at (231) 526-2281. They can give you the latest prices for their cabins and the best directions. Unfortunately we didn’t take any pictures of the inside of the cabins, but they are clean and cozy.

  260. Best Bread Pudding ever

  261. Win!

  262. Love to read books from Michigan Authors or set in Michigan.

    • Hi Mary! So glad to hear it – I have a cottage up in Interlochen and went to the Academy when I was younger, so I’m still in Michigan in my heart.

  263. White shoals light in northern Lake Michigan…used to look out at it from my old cottage.

  264. Crisp Point on Lake Superior! It is a 45 minute drive down a glorified 2 track road where your gps will not work. The remoteness combined with the view is stunning. My Wife collects lighthouse photos and small Harbor Lights replicas. Her birthday is May 16th and this would be an awesome surprise!

    • Another lighthouse to add to bucklist! Crisp Point here we come.

      • Do it Brenda and Chuck! You can even volunteer to stay and be light keepers for a period of time.

  265. Reading this book would be the next best thing to being there! Pick me, please.

  266. I would love to win!!! Love to read!! Grand Haven lighthouse and pier is our favorite spot to be!!!!

  267. I would live to win. I am volu teering as a lighthouse keeper in TC this fall. My favorite lighthouse is in Ludington State Park.

  268. Thank you so much for coming, and taking such gorgeous pictures! The article was perfect and very humbling!

  269. Nice article. Thanks for including a photo of my ’30 roadster in there! 😀

  270. Wow..this was a great article! Thanks Brenda.

  271. I was wondering if you have any knowledge of a John and Mary Brown who had a girl in 1842 in Michigan named Elizabeth Ellen. Elizabeth then married John James of Haldimand County, Ontario.

    • Hi Jennifer, I don’t off hand. My sister is Family Genealogy Guro. I’ll send you a private message introducing you to her.

  272. Kate Peterson Rocks!!
    Wonderful musician!!❤️❤️❤️
    Thank you Kate and Leah!

  273. I would love to hear about it’s schedule for next year.

  274. I love ❤️ Life in Michigan! Brenda and Chuck are a masterful team. Amazing photography and storytelling. Thank you L in M!

  275. Love this. Thanks.

  276. I’m looking forward to revisiting the park.

  277. Hello,

    This message is for Marilyn,

    My name is Larry Martin. I have been doing WW II interviews on DVD for over 18 yrs. I have some memorabilia from WW II that I may be interested in giving to the museum. I have called Marilyn at 522-8324 but have not been able to make contact with her.


  278. My father and Uncle owned one house in Indian village.
    Thomas J. Toland ( b. Chicago, Illinois) Employed by Fisher Body, Willey’s Overland, Chrysler Corporation, GM Corporation, FOMOCO retired. ( 2 US Patents 1965)
    William C. Toland ( b. Chicago, Illinois)
    William D. Toland ( from Webwood, Ontario)
    Mary Toland (Hawkie from Kitchner, Ontario)
    Barbara Toland
    What was the address and years of occupancy. From whom was it purchased. To whom was it sold.

    • I am looking for corroboration and an address ???

      • Hello Thomas – shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll get in touch.

  279. What was the attendance?

    • Hi Herb, I don’t have exact numbers, but it was nearly SOLD OUT. Only a few hundred tickets were left.

  280. White house shoal

  281. Great interview! Thank you! Jeff Daniels is a great actor and musician!!

  282. So did you get to visit Michigan’s Heritage Park?

    • Hi Jill – as a matter of fact we did 🙂 Stay tuned as we are working on getting that post put together. It is a great park and well worth the visit.

      • Thanks! Great photos, by the way.

  283. Wonderful story, if I had not already attended this event it would steer me towards buying tickets. Sounds fun and very interesting.

    • Thanks Blue! I’m glad you enjoyed our review, especially the cover photo! 🙂

  284. What a great write up! Katelynn always offers awesome magic for Michigan communities.

  285. When you click the link for more photos from the 4Elf Party 2017 it directs you to an album containing pictures from the Herritage Whitehall.. is there a different link on the page to choose?

    • Should be all set now…thanks !!!

  286. What a fantastic event! I’m looking forward to 2018.

  287. Awesome story and great information for folks that like to travel during the Winter. The UP is indeed Magical and offers lots of scenic destinations, great places to stay, wonderful food and wonderful people that still like to call us trolls. Dang

  288. Awesome!

  289. Awesome Article! We were fortunate to have a Mike as our client and the ability to design his Brewery. We are really glad he agreed to allow us to take this project through as a Historic Preservation Project.

  290. So how do I get a North Pier care package let me know sounds like some pretty good beers I live in Detroit Michigan let me know I tried a lot of Michigan beers I’d like to try his little something different outside the box.

    • Hi Eugene, best bet would be to head over to 8 Degrees Plato on Cass in Detroit as North Pier crew will there this Friday (1/26). Next best is to take a trip to the west side of the state and visit them in Benton Harbor.

  291. Absolutely love the article! Great info on some Yooper destinations I was unaware of ?

    • Thanks! We are always eager to learn about Yooper destinations. Please share suggestions if you’ve got them. 🙂

  292. Hello,

    I am interested in having a vendor booth on July 15, 2018 at the Eastern Market to promote and sell my new self-published book. Can you inform me of how to obtain a booth for the event on July 15, 2018?

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Bey

    • Hello Mrs. Bey, LifeInMichigan doesn’t handle booth registration. We recommend contacting the Bookfest Organizers directly. Here is a link to their website:
      Detroit Book Fest Link Good luck with your self-published book!

  293. Under the “Welcome Buddy” banner in the 5th & 6th photos is arrayed an impressive collection of Great War uniforms. The scope of this sampling is greater than I have seen anywhere else but in the WWI Museum in Kansas City. That is high standing considering the exhibits I have been fortunate to have seen. The Smithsonian would be envious of your assortment. Fantastic displays throughout your Museum. I am eager to visit during “Over Here”, the upcoming WWI event on the first weekend of August 2018.

  294. Great article, and I really loved your photography. I had no idea this was going on!

    • Thanks! It is hard to keep up with all the fantastic Michigan Events!

  295. Is there an Iron Cliffs County?
    How close is Big Bay and the bar where the murded took place to Northern University?

    • Hello Thela,

      There is not an Iron Cliffs County. The book fictionalized the real county which is Marquette. However, there is an Iron Country as well. Big Bay is about 25 miles from Northern Michigan University in Marquette.

      thanks for reading!

  296. I brought my nieces on the tour of Quincy mine and they loved it.
    I was glad they had a good time. My mom’s dad worked for the mine’s
    and also her brothers.
    It was nice to be able to see what they experienced when they worked
    in the mine’s.

    • We enjoyed the tour too! The tour is an eye opening experience.

  297. Great write up! It was an awesome show! And yes, why isn’t Red Stone Souls a nationally signed band, wtf!

    BTW, RSS is headlining FuzzFest’s Friday line up

    Keep up the great work! Detroit & Michigan needs you!

    PS – Pictures are amazing, you are very talented.

  298. I really enjoyed your story. Max is my cousin. His Dad and my Dad were brothers and his Mother and my Mother were not only sister-in-laws but also Aunt and Niece (I’ll let Max explain that to you). I always knew he was talented in making jewelry but making pieces with silverware is remarkable. I am so glad you found him. Maybe someday we could meet.

    • Hi Anna! I sense a story with your parents. Yes, Max is talented and I feel so fortunate to have found him. I’m sure Betty would have loved the jewelry and Max too. Hopefully, we can meet. Happy Wednesday. Brenda

  299. I thought that it was pretty cool having close friends who are rock stars I have been camping, fishing, partying, and just spending quality time with the Gypsies for years,. I recommend going to a show, hang out and talk to the guys afterwards I think you will see how I feel within minutes, they are genuinely friendly people who make everyone around them comfortable and their music brings that feeling back whenever you listen to it.

  300. Great Music Awesome Live Show They will Have Your Attention From start to Finish Rocking Guitars Great Rhythm Section My Band Was Lucky To Do a Show With Them They Hung Out After The Show Had a Beer And What great Guys I Ran Into Them At The Detroit Music Awards Our Band Dirty Mind Detroit Was Nominated Too Calib And The Rest Of The remembered Us As I awesome Band great Guys Rocking Tunes

  301. How do I purchase the lover’s leap photo?
    I want to print it on a canvas to hang. Not for re-sale or posting online .

    • Hi Mayra – If you send us an email at [email protected] we can get you setup with a high resolution copy for a low charge. Or become a patron of the site and get 12 images of your choice 🙂

  302. How much doe’s it cost to go through Whitehall Heritage Park.

    • Hello Tony – I think the tickets are $12, but I would confirm by calling 231.722.0278

      • Are you open this year? Are people wearing masks in buildings?
        My grandkids loved it and we hope to go this year in August

        • Sadly, they closed in 2018. However, we have read that the Lakeshore Museum in Muskegon may reopen it at some point.

  303. Our family would love to OWN our home. Our last landlord lost the house, this 1 won’t fix a thing. We are very good tenants. Yet it’s hard to find a good landlord. I don’t wish the SHELTER on any family. The Recovery is slow.
    We still afraid.

    • Hi Kimberly, Please check out MSHDA’s resources page, MSHDA , they’ve ot several programs you may find useful.

  304. Hi.

    My name’s Michael Luick-Thrams. I’ve researched and written extensively about the Luicks…

    It would be my pleasure to tell you more, but I rather disdain these portal message boards.

    If you’d kindly send me a private email address, I’ll be happy to elaborate via personal email.

    Thank so much,


  305. Thank you for the excellent review!!!! John of The Strains.

  306. thanks for the kind words!
    -the black list

  307. Can you please help us. We are trying to find a home. Are credit is poor and we hsve 2 kids and we are staying with family and there is not enough room. We are going to be a first-time home buyer. If we can rent to own it will be good. Think u

    • Hello Rebecca,

      Your best bet is to give the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) a call at 844-984-HOME. They can help you walk through options for loans that you may qualify for. We wish you all the best!

  308. I have quite a story about a night I played my guitar and banjo between the sets a combo played when I was 19 and staying at the scout ranch! That was probably 1967!

  309. Great festival that gets better every year. Hats off to everyone involved.

  310. I thank God someone has finally come up with the solution to help the homeless

  311. Brenda – Very nice work! We came across your sites while researching the Grass Lake area and whereabouts of my grandfather’s 500 acre farm. And, bam! There it is on the excerpt of the above map – B.F. Washburne, just above the “H” in “Sharon”. It is conceivable that Ruth taught some of the Washburne family (9 children) but there are a few schoolhouses about the same distance from the farm. We plan to tour the area as a result of our research and your excellent research and presentations.

    • Hi David, I recognize the Washburne name. I think there is a Washburne road somewhere in Sharon Township! She only taught at Craft School from 1912-14. The Souvenir pamphlet from 12-13 doesn’t list any Washburne children, so it isn’t likely she was their teacher. Have you investigated the Coe House in Grass Lake yet? They may be helpful.

  312. Amazing photos. The cars are so beautiful!

  313. Thanks for taking the time to write this clear meaningful piece. Living in Washtenaw County
    I initially learned about MAP thru Religious Action in Affordable Housing.
    Please keep Michigan alert to what it takes for a viable community to thrive.
    Thank You.

  314. Hello Sir,

    Hope that you are well !

    We are Round Stone Industries , which is manufacturer &exporter for Irish Garments & Musical Instruments Company Since 2004 especially,

    Scottish Kilts, Visitor/Basic Kilts, Sports Kilts, Wedding Kilts,Custom Kilts, Tartan Hybrid Kilts,Two toned kilts,Heavy Weight Kilts with Deep Pleats,

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    Bag Pipes, wood wind instruments ,Flutes , Practice Chanters,

    Highland Doublets, Military Doublets, Prince Charlie Jackets/Vest,Argel jackets, Buttons and Braids,Highland vest, Highland Brooches,

    All Kind of Tartan available and many more as you can visit our Website

    It is our mission to provide quality in Economy on time ,

    Because Quality & Timing is only tool for a Successful Business..

    With Best Regards,
    Adnan Mumtaz.
    Round Stone Industries.

    Post Box# 175.
    Sialkot 51310.

  315. I applaud your motivation and commitment. My thoughts and prayers are with you! God Bless!

  316. I would be interested in learning if a member of this Brown family has taken the male yDNA test. I suspect that my ancestor may be descended from the early members of this family. We do have male yDNA results and would be interested in comparing if they are available. Thanks.

    • Thanks for your comment on our blog. Sorry for the late reply. I’ve sent you an email as a follow-up.

  317. As the youngest of Eugene I. Van Antwerp’s eleven children, I would like to thank and congratulate Dennis Skupinski and all of the others who made the auspicious event at Grass Lake so meaningful to me and the family. We will be forever indebted to you.

    • Thank you Daniel and it was a pleasure to have you all out to the museum for the event. It is our honor to make sure that the deeds of these men are remembered and passed along to future generations. Best regards and thank you all for supporting the museum and allowing us to tell these stories! Scott Gerych

  318. We are hoping to buy a home this spring utilizing mhsda home ownership program!

    • That is fantastic! Please keep us updated and maybe share a picture when you move it!

  319. Great article. Must be a problem with the link for Top Hops. This is what I was directed to and not
    Thanks again, Mark at Top Hops Farm.

    • Thanks Mark!! Fixed in the post.

  320. Thanks for the awesome pictures and the great article!! That’s awesome cause sepultura is one of my favorite bands.

  321. We are getting to New Zealand on April 28 and your iternerary is perfect! Looking forward to the detailed posts!

    • Enjoy! Let us know how it goes

  322. Hi, Arlene & Ron,

    I have been working with a band, fron Ann Arbor, that plays country/folk music. I would like to include them in your events. As well as myself. They are ‘older’ guys, and have had them play a few gigs in the A2 & Ypsi, areas. Also, The Tin Penny Band is back out, on the road in 2019

    • Hi Eddie, I sent your message to Arlene. Thanks much for your comment on your blog.

  323. The Waterloo Area Historical Society was founded in 1962. There has been a “Fall Festival “ now Pioneer Day since October 1962.
    The Pie Contest, not Baked Goods Contest.
    The next event is Blacksmith-Soldiers and Log Cabin Weekend June 22-23.
    Antique Tractor-Truck and Farm Equipment Show August 10-11

  324. Nice shoutout to Manchester Underground’s Music and Art show. The place looked great, comfortable setting and good acoustic music on a Saturday night.

  325. Greetings.

    May i please ask for your email, in regards to an image i want to use from your article. (The market place image).

  326. My favorite time of year when I was growing up. You never, ever heard any hunter say “I saw this deer and shot it.”Oh NO!! There was ALWAYS a 20 minute story behind the prize. Love Deer Season still!

    • Hi Liz, thanks for sharing. Love hearing the wonderful stories. Were you one of the lucky ones who when to Camp Sober? B.

    • I spent a lot of time at Camp Sober. A lot of laughs and good times. I think the highlight was their group formed as Brothers of the Brush for Manchester’s 1967. Entenial.

      • Hi Jim! I need to know more about the Brothers of the Brush! Do you have any pictures or know who may have pictures?

      • Man,do I remember camp Camp Sober. We spent almost every summer Sunday at camp Sober. If I recall,we drove by the dump to get to that old trailer they got from somewhere. Chicken was the main dish, but everyone contributed. I remember the old grills that might have been rehabbed from another venue. Euchre games nonstop in the trailer.Uncle L Dean was actually my biggest role model, believe it or not.
        I was taught to get up every morning, go to work, don’t call in sick,the cows needed milking everyday. Chris and I worked hard, but I/We enjoyed it. I am today, along w/the USMC, deeply appreciative of the great work ethic that Uncle L. Dean instilled in me. I do remember, driving him and Tiny home on several weekend trips to Manchester for Saturday cocktails. Now that I’m a little older I’m sure it wasn’t a good homecoming but then again, the cows needed milking.
        I am who I am because of of my experience w/Uncle L. Dean. Good Bless

  327. Nicely done, it was a wonderful trip !!

  328. My mom Doreen Nora Bilkey was a spectator in the court room, She is rt. Behind Jimmy Stuart wen he was standing up ..She has short dark hair …She also has pics taken with Ben Gazarra, n Jimmy Stuart I remember watching it every time it was on, as a little girl, I still watch it, Mom is my Star

    • Debbie this is such a great story! Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  329. Hello Brenda,

    I am a great great grand daughter of Joshua and Julia Brown, Allen Brown is my great grandfather.
    I have been doing research on the family and ran across your blog the other day. I love finding family
    Would love to connect and share stories, pictures, and family connections

    • Hi Elizabeth, I would love to connect. As you can imagine, I’ve got a bunch of cousins and they too are love genealogy. I’ll email you! Brenda

  330. WOW! Thanks for this Chuck – really appreciate the good work y’all do at Life In Michigan!

    <3 from Grand Rapids

  331. try a soil drench of neem oil when planting, neem is an organic pesticide we have a 2000 history with the neem tree

    • Thanks for the helpful advise! I’ll put this on the list for next year’s garden prep!

  332. would love to visit your museum, can not find the address, or when you are open

    • Hello Jerry – The Michigan Military Heritage Museum is located at 153 N Union St, Grass Lake, MI 49240 – the telephone number is (517) 926-6696. It is a great museum with friendly and dedicated staff. Let us know how your visit goes!

    • They are an amazing group of people. The staff and everybody there made me feel welcome the second I walked in the door! There is a small town acceptance of anybody there.

      • We totally agree. A great crew that are incredibly welcoming. Just wish they were closer 🙂 But worth the drive

  333. My parents lived in Beulah so this brought back beautiful memories. You captured Benzie county’s finest

    • Thank you, Jane. Your compliment means a lot. It is hard to capture the experience so it brings back memories for others. Looking forward to returning to Benzie! It is a beautiful place.

      • Thank you so much for your interest and kind words about our alpaca farm! We truly appreciate you listing us as one of the “best things to do in Benzie County”! Hope you come back and visit us again soon!

  334. I’m a native of Benzie County, too, and a friend of Kara’s. I knew her older sisters and parents well…Benzie County is a secret gem in Michigan. It’s real Michigan

    • I am grateful for Kara’s recommendations. We had a lovely time and look forward to returning. Yes, it is Michigan GEM!

  335. I loved your post! I grew up in Benzie County and have many memories of visiting the Gwen Frostic shop. My grandmother used to work there with Gwen. I remember meeting her several times. Thank you for sharing, it brought back many memories.

    • Hi Teresa, thanks for stopping by our blog and reading the post. I really knew nothing about Gwen Frostic before I started this post. She was quite a character – a trailblazer to be sure.

  336. One of my favorite destinations, went to Arcadia Daze Sat., it’s 4th weekend in July annually.

  337. if you like Art, another great destination in Frankfort is Ellie Harold’s gallery. Great art, and you’ll also get to see the inside if one of downtown Frankfort’s Victorian houses.

    • Thanks for the tip! We will definitely put on the “Must-See” list for our next trip to Frankfort. Love the area!

  338. I live in Tompkins Center and every year on the third weekend of September they have a Freedom Festival and Steam Engine show with lots of fun stuff to do and see. Please come going us this year!!

    • Thanks for the invite Valerie! We will put this on our calendar and hope to see you on Sept 21st for the Freedom Festival in Tompkins!

  339. What a perfect place for a date night after enjoying some good food in Manchester at one of many establishments, then off for a night of Music.
    BIG Thank You to Steve and John!

  340. Wonderful information for anyone that wants to do something different. So much to see in Michigan. Hidden gems i deed.

  341. I am relocating back home were my family is i need afordable housing iam disabled need help rent likey buying

  342. Awesome!…thank you! Glad you had fun!

  343. Welcome to our community! Hope to see you next year!

    • Thanks! It is a lovely event. I can’t imagine the hard work needed to create it! Well done!

  344. Just loved these pictures of our festival at Tompkins. Is there a way to get copies of them.?

    • Hi Nancy, you should be able to download them from our gallery. When you click on an image, a row of icons at the top appear. Click on the one that second from the right, with the arrow pointing into a tray. That will download the image. If you are looking for high resolution images for printing, please send us an email at [email protected]

  345. What a wonderful article about my favorite brewery of all time!

  346. Chuck, I am impressed as much by your writing skills as I am by Billy’s album. You couldn’t have done a better job of expressing how I feel every time I play this CD (& if it were an album, there would already be well-worn needle grooves from so many revolutions around the vinyl). Thanks for sharing your perspective.

    • Thank you so much Jean

  347. Good morning, I’ve been a brerwers guild enthusiast since 2014 because of my passion for great beer from all walks of the earth. As I’ve went through all of your photos in the GALLERY I’ve found that over the 360 pictures there is only about 14 pictures give or take of minorities. Me being of African American decent I wish that we could be shown more that we are here and we patronize these events as much as any one else. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this and consider my concern.
    Thank you.

    • Thank you so much for reaching out about the importance of diversity and inclusion. Please note that Life In Michigan is not part of the brewers guild. Our goal is to highlight aspects of our life in Michigan and share with you our experiences. That said, we randomly take photos of people we encounter at the beer fests and we hope that provides a good representation. However, we understand that we can always do a better job of making sure we cover the diversity of those attending the beer festivals. Thank you again for your feedback and we hope you will find us at the next beer fest so that we can share a beer together. Or let us know if you’d like to meet for a beer outside of a festival.

  348. My dad ate at the Old German when he lived in AA in the late ’20’s. I went there throughout the 50’s, and my kids went there till it closed. The old cook as well as the German waitresses were what made the place so welcoming. It will be hard to replace.

  349. Very good story, always bow your head when ” The Dark Horse ” is mentioned. fun times !!

  350. Your trip was a real adventure! And I’m sure that you never regretted it, despite all the difficulties and dangers that you had to face. Personally I also love to travel around the world, and I am drawn to all sorts of dangerous places) But I have never been to New Zealand, but I plan to get there one day. My wife and I really love unusual trips. We never pay a guide for excursions, we always compose routes on our own. And your route really impressed me. You may consider me crazy, but I love extreme and danger. And I will definitely go along the same route as soon as I get to New Zealand. Thank you for the wonderful article about your trip and for such interesting information)

  351. You did a better job of artist appreciation than the DIA did. A printed intro made by staff did not name the artists. Well for Pete sake. every painting on the wall has the artist’s name. Thank you

  352. What is the address to the Grand canyon of Michigan

    • Hello Mike – best bet is to use google maps and search for “Canyon Falls Car Park” – here is a link from google –

  353. Is there a brochure on the falls. Also any information on where to stay and restaurants. When is the best time to visit the falls.

    • Hello Linda – there isn’t a brochure that I can find on the falls – although there is also this link which may help – As for where to stay, the closest towns are L’Anse and Baraga. Marquette isn’t too far a drive (1hr,6mins per Google). Houghton is about 50 minutes north and a great town to visit. As for restaurants, check out Hilltop on the way into L’Anse. They have cinnamon rolls as big as your head 🙂 Marquette and Houghton probably have the best variety of places to stay and eat. However, there is food and motels in L’Anse.

  354. I would like your schedule so that my husband and I can come and enjoy your music.

  355. Always a good read with fun pictures

  356. I love this. You always do such a great job. I was sad I missed this years but after reading this makes me feel I was there.

    Rokn Moroccan

    • Thanks Rock’n! You and Cowboy were some of earliest beer friends. We sure do miss Cowboy.

  357. Amazing clicks and very funny captions 🙂

    • Thanks so much Waqas!

  358. When I was there the story was about Henry Ford. He stayed at Thunder Bay since they were using the wood in the area for his Woody. The train depot blocked his view so he had it picked and moved
    out of the way. I really liked the hogie they served. The bar was old growth timber so it was a single
    piece of wood 20-30 inches wide.

    • Thanks for sharing John!!

  359. Hi Chuck –

    We are planning to stop here on the way to Copper Harbor as well. Is the hike fairly short? Or do you think this will be an entire day trip?

    • Hi Abby,

      This is a short hike just off the road. You can spend some time there, but definitely not all day. Unless, you just want to hang out and watch the river roll by 🙂

      • Stunning. Would love to be able to see it. Guessing I can’t navigate in my wheelchair….

        • My recollection is that while the path is not paved, it is fairly flat. That said, I know there are sections that would not be passable by wheelchair the further you go on the trail. It may be worth a stop to scout out if your travels take you nearby.

  360. I found the book The Friendly Spinning Wheel in a second had store. I just read it and enjoyed it very much. I would like to visit the Waterloo Area Farm Museum but cannot find upcoming events on your web site. Are you still open? Will there be Pioneer Days this coming October 2020?

    • Hello Wanda. The museum is still open. You can visit on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoons. They post about events on facebook – We aren’t sure if they will hold Pioneer Day this year. Keep an eye on their facebook page or the Life In Michigan facebook page as we’ll share the event if we see it. Be well and thanks for writing us!

  361. Hello jeff daniels i am a big fan of yours and so is my dad who is sick Vietnam error veteran i was wondering when you get the time could you contact me I’d love to talk to you and ask you a few important questions when you have the time please and thank you been trying to find a way to contact you a Michigander myself born and raised here thank u for your time sir

    • Hello Andrew – I’m not sure Jeff follows our blog for all updates. You may wish to contact his publicist at [email protected]

  362. Nice article! With so few businesses surviving not only the pandemic but the recessed economy across much of the UP in the past few decades, I’m shocked that you were remiss in mentioning and experiencing Ralph’s Deli. It’s a mom-and-pop shop that has been around and going strong since 1970, starting out downtown as Ralph’s Italian Delicatessen and still owned and operated by family. They have a fabulous menu including truly home-cooked meals like lasagna, amazing pizzas, and their famous cudighi sandwich which has won numerous awards for best in state. Portions are very hearty and prices are unbelievably reasonable. This business is an icon. I hope you get a chance to go.

    • Thanks Cathy! We realized after two days that there was a LOT of other things we missed in Ishpeming. We’ll certainly plan on coming back.

    • Trip through Ishpeming wouldn’t be right without a cudighi from Ralph’s.

      • Thanks Dave! We plan to stop by Ralph’s on our next trip!!

    • So happy Ralph’s is still here Cathy. Love stopping in there. The customer service is always as great as the food. The employees are always smiling and so friendly.

  363. Nice article and pics. Too bad it was ruined by the profane masks. No class.

    • Sorry about that Chris!! Totally forgot what those masks said, we’ve removed

  364. I found it amusing that you said it can be a “bear” to get around in Marquette… seriously? Perhaps with two feet of snow on the road (although Marquette County and City snow removal crews are top notch!), Marquette’s only hard to navigate if you’ve never lived anywhere but a town with a single flashing traffic signal. Ishpeming, comparatively, is not tough, either…

    • Hi Eric, nope, not seriously 🙂 Our intent was more to highlight that Ishpeming can be a nice quiet alternative to Marquette. Cheers!!


  366. Sad that Da Yoopers Tourist Trap wasn’t mentioned not even in the fun facts.

    • Good Point Anna! Fixed

  367. Pasties, pasties, pasties! An Ishpeming staple food. Cudaghi sausage. Another staple of Ishpeming. Ski jumping. Absolutely great going to the jumping events at world class Suicide Ski Jump.

  368. Hi Brenda and Chuck, I am a member of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians and recently moved back to my childhood home of Manistique. When I visited The Big Spring last year I was shocked at the story they call the Indian legend and I began a heart felt project to tell the legend that’s been passed down in my Ojibwe family for over 200 years. I believe it is the original Native American legend. I have recently published a book, The Legend of Kitch-iti-kipi which I’d love to send you. It is also for sale on I am in contact with the State Park Historical Division to share it with them as well. The story told currently is NOT one any Native American can imagine being told by our elders. I am sure it was one of the many “legend” made up by John Bellair, the local dime store owner in the early 1920s to attract tourists. Where shall I send my book for your reading and perhaps you will share what I believe is the true legend of Kitch-iti-kipi on your website here.

    • Thank you so much Carole for sharing! We purchased a copy of “The Legend of Kitch-iti-kipi” and plan to read as soon as it arrives. We will share a review and do our best to help share the original Native American story.

  369. My wife took me there about 20 years ago and we still go there every time we go to the up one of our favorite spots

    • It is one of our favorite spots too. Every special for some many reasons.

  370. Dear Brenda,
    Thank you so much for sharing my book and the real legend of Kitch-iti-kipi. I am still waiting to hear back from the Michigan State Park historical department about changing their website and park advertisements. Hopefully with people like you spreading the legend I wrote it will be passed on for many generations. Again many thanks for helping me keep the legend of Kitch-iti-kipi alive.

  371. You also need to stop in at The Yooper Goddess Shop, better yet, stay in their AirBnB in the same building! Just a few steps from the Congress & lots of UP themed clothing & gift items!

  372. We are late Sr citizens, have a toy poodle, are there rooms to accommodate a poodle and us?
    We’ve never been up in the UP
    Who is a contact for rooms?

    • Hello John,

      I’m not really sure if the hotels we stayed at accommodate pets. Best bet would be to contact them directly. I do know there are also some great AirBNB deals in the U.P. which may be worth a look too
      The Fitz in Eagle River is best contacted by email – [email protected]
      The Landmark in Marquette phone is – (906) 228-2580 – website:
      Also in Marquette Superior Stay – – 224-433-8701

      We hope you can work out a vacation in the U.P. – it is fantastic!! If you, let us know how it goes and if where your adventures take you!

  373. Is the former home of William Benson Mayo 1457 Seminole still standing?

  374. I am Ron Wangerow, 70 years old, and I’m a retired attorney. I now live in Salem Township, just south of South Lyon and northwest of Ann Arbor. I attended kindergarten and 1st grade at Grass Lake before we moved to Michigan Center in 1957. My brother, George, graduated from Grass Lake HS in 1954, I believe.

    We lived on the outskirts of Grass Lake, on the west side of Willis Road (500 Willis Road), just north of the RR tracks, from1950 until 1957. Our place was previously known as the old Helm Goat Farm.

    In the days when they still had some coal powered RR engines, a spark from a passing train engine would occasionally start a fire in the then-empty field between our house and the tracks. It was especially scary one time when it happened in the middle of the night. I was told to go and sit down in the middle of gravel driveway on the other side of the house. From that perspective, as a small preschooler, I remember my parents and older sister silhouetted against the flames as they tried to beat back the fire with brooms and blankets until the fire department arrived in time to save our house.

    My father and mother, “Bud” and Eunice Wangerow, had a business on the south side of Michigan Ave., between Lake St. and the train depot. It was a Sherwin Williams paint store, and my father also ran Grass Lake Electrical, Plumbing and Heating out of the store.

    As a small child, I was allowed to walk to Don’s Drug Store, a couple of stores down, where they had ice cream cones at a lunch counter. My mother finally had to ask Don to not give me free ice cream cones just for the asking because she didn’t want me to think that I could just ask for things at any store.

    Later, in either kindergarten or 1st grade, my mother and the mother of a pretty little blonde girl (named Suzie, if I recall correctly) were asked to come in to meet with the principal. The little blonde girl and I had been repeatedly kissing on the playground during recess. This was apparently a preview of things to come since nearly 20 years later, I married my 1st wife, Suzie (who passed away in 1997 due to cancer), — a pretty blonde girl, from Detroit, whom I met in college — but certainly not the same one from the early days on the playground.

    Does anyone remember us?

    • Correction in my post above: Salem Township is northEAST of Ann Arbor — not northwest. Ooops — senior moment. — Ron Wangerow

  375. Do you have private room for a small wedding. 30/35 people?

    • Hello,

      We believe they do, but you best bet is to contact them directly. For events, you can email Kelly at [email protected] or call 810 678-2276. Hope you have a great event!!

  376. It’s the Ernie Harwell collection, not Harrell. He was the Tigers’ longtime, wonderful broadcaster.

    • Thanks much Alex for the correction! We appreciate it

  377. Love to see ya in san diego

  378. I am in search of a child’s 12 or 24 volt Ridable vintage style Volkswagen Beetle that is for sale. Must be in the color of white.

  379. Fantastic photos!! And thank you for the nod for me and my band!!

    • Thank you Judy!!!

  380. In 1985, our German teacher at Slauson Junior High School decided to take us on a class trip to this establishment. Incidentally, I was the only student that had ordered authentic German Bratwurst, because I wanted to prove to my fellow classmates that anyone could be German at Heart, with a little “shuck and Jive”, as I had learned from my heroes “The Dukes of Hazzard”, which by the way was sunk down the drain that year, much to my utter chagrin!!

  381. Thanks. You truly captured the essence of this trip. And your photos and descriptions are incredible. I hope we can sail again someday.

    • Thank you Cathy! We had enjoyed the trip and hope to sail again too.

  382. I enjoyed your review of your sail on the Manitou. My husband and I have sailed 11 times since 2009. It’s always been an amazing journey. The weather has been different each time. Looks like it was good for your trip. This year’s sail from September 14 – 18 was one of the best weather and wind wise for us. So glad you shared your adventure. Thank you!

    • Hi Vikki, Yes we had beautiful weather, not a lot of wind. As I said perfect for floating on a rubber raft. I’m glad you enjoyed our review and I hope you’ll stop by again.

  383. Fat City Jive, Looking for Trouble, Ol Gravedigger, 10 Shots Down, & Wine Spodeeode were all written by Terry Hartman in 1971, rest his soul

  384. Happy Veteran’s Day

  385. Hello Carole,
    I visited the spring most summers when I was a child in the late 1960s. I think I was 8 years old when I first saw it. To experience it as a child is much different. It was massive to me and much deeper than 40 feet! I was scared and excited to float across it in the raft and peer down into the water. My summer trips to the UP were very special to me because my parents were at war with each other. These summer trips were a blissful escape from the stressful reality of my childhood. I also learned so much about the Native American people and their traditions. I have always had a deep appreciation for the land, and I know in my heart that it is not ours. I have lived in California for most of my adult life, and we have many tribes here as well, of course. Thank you for writing your book. I will pick up a copy and daydream about those childhood trips.

  386. I’m so happy you enjoyed your time in San Diego/Escondido. I am a native of San Diego and have lived in Escondido for the past 25 years. The statue of the sailor kissing the nurse was designed after the famous photo taken in Times Square from the end of World War II. While you found it gaudy we find it enchanting. I hope you can come back and enjoy more of my fabulous home town. I wish you and yours well.

    • Thank you Lynn! We’d love to return and explore more as we barely scratched the surface.

  387. Thank you for the info in this article…I’m a recent retiree with the airlines and live out here now…still getting to know this BEAUTIFUL area !!

    • Thank you Marilyn for this great note! Feel free to share your adventures as we’d love to know where to visit next 🙂

  388. My son just recently started working in Escondido. They have a great brewery there called Stone Brewery. Great beer or wine, and the food and atmosphere are sooo good. Thank you for sharing!!!

  389. Hi Chuck, Ramshackle is a special place! May we use some of your photos to promote a survey for Ramshackle on social media?

    • Sure

  390. Big show March 11th. Come out!

  391. I can’t believe there isn’t a great record store in Ann Arbor.

  392. Thank you for the amazing recap. As well for the kind words.

  393. Amazing photos and thoughtful reviews! The Corktown Music Festival appreciates your talent and support. Thank you, Chuck!

  394. What a great article! Come stay at our house on the island. It’s in a central part of the island and will have bikes for you to explore all the fun things Tybee has to offer.

    • Thanks for the invite. I’ll include a link in our article so others can find your house.

      • I absolutely love this ❤️ I live and work on Tybee Island Ga. Your beautiful positive pictures and reviews made me tear up .. I love this place it’s so amazing. Hopefully y’all come back I work at Chamacaos Tacos and Surf a fun taco tequila stop by on your next trip we will show you a good time ❤️ Also Salt Island Fish and Beer is one of my favorites also Sundae Cafe and Sea Wolf?ohh and Bubba Gumbo’s seriously catch so much of there fresh catch right off there dock.

        • Thanks, Amy! We loved your island too! keep the lights on, we will be back.

  395. Tybee You. Missed. A. Lot. On. Tybee. !!

    • I fear we did miss alot. We visited in 2021, many things were closed due to staffing. We loved our visit to Tybee.

  396. Hi I’m interested in our family history. Email me! Talk with you soon

  397. Very well written and described

  398. Enjoyed your article. My daughter and myself are visiting Tybee Island in September 2023. I am 83 years and still traveling. My daughter works for the state of Alabama and she attending a conference.
    You written information of one who had visited Tybee island was most helpful.
    So good travels from one traveler to another

    • Thank you so much!! Have a wonderful trip and be sure to share your experience with us, we’d love to hear how you like Tybee 🙂

  399. Loved your article about Tybee too but I feel you missed so so much of Savannah too. By your article it seems like you don’t have a problem with a little bit of walking try Old Town Trolley Tours 90 minutes of great history fun filled facts and you get on and off of the stops so you can visit the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist go to the Pirates house where in the mid to late 1700’s they truly shaing hided people not sure I spelled that right you can go to first African Baptist Church where an underground railroad truly existed and The 2nd Bloodiest Battle of the second Bloodiest Battle of the 2nd Bloodiest Battle of the American
    Revolutionary war took place. I am a tour guide for this Company and I would love to show you around Savannah Georgia also known as the most haunted city in the U.S. because we truly r a city built upon the dead

    • Thanks Sue! We are sure there is so much in Savannah to see and do that you could spend several days or weeks exploring. We will definitely let folks know about the Old Town Trolley tours…sounds great!

  400. Thank You, Chuck. You are a Giant among Men.

    • Thanks Mark!!!

  401. The author of this article should look into parallel structure. Hint: You can’t be in the past and present at the same time. Pick one.

    • Thank you for the insight. Most appreciated!

  402. I grew up visiting Kitch-iti-kipi. I heard story after story that made me cringe inside. Until, I found Carole’s book it is as beautiful and filled with wonder as the Big Spring itself. I live close enough to visit many times a year and never is it any less magical.

  403. I live east of summit road in algoma estates. I never knew I was just a stones throw away. how beautiful.

  404. This place is hands down the best place to unwind and just relax. We stayed in the A-frames this pass weekend. Our goal is to stay in everyone especially the hobbit home. What a great experience my husband and best friends had. Definitely will be going back and we have already told so many people about this place. Hats off to Steve, he always checks on his guest to make sure everything and everyone is good. Keep up the good work guys❤️

    • Thanks for sharing!!

    • What is the pricing? Is it a different price for each one and for how many nights? I live about 5 miles away from Summit and I didn’t know this was there.

      • Hi Beth!! Best bet is to check the Detach website – There is a Book Now button. That will take you to the booking site which shows prices once you plug in the dates you are interested in. Looks like you can book a single night or up to one week.

  405. What is the pricing? Is it a different price for each one and for how many nights? I live about 5 miles away from Summit and I didn’t know this was there.

  406. Awesome bands! Awesome write up! Thank you for supporting local music!

  407. Quite an adventure,but you two take in ih your stride. Thanks for sharing.

  408. Do u have a food truck list?

    Do you also have a band lineup list with times they are playing?

    Where do u park for this event?


  409. Fantastic pictures! This road trip surely is memorable to you guys and I can see you had so much fun! Thanks for this and maybe I can work up a family vacation following your tips and itinerary! I don’t have an RV but we will surely go to Tybee Island and stay at hotels I get to find on !

    • Thanks Edward! We hope you get the family out on a trip 🙂 If you do, please share your story as we’d love to hear 🙂

  410. He’s the goat (greatest of all time) not the fans being goats hahahahah

  411. This looks awesome. Any accommodations for those who don’t drink alcohol?

    • Hello Dawn, Anyone can visit Detach. We only mentioned alcohol as we love Michigan beer and it is nearby. However, you can enjoy Detached without alcohol. Check out their page and feel free to book your stay. The new Hobbit home is now ready.

  412. Love you guys

  413. Love tybee island. Stayed at blue heron vaca. Loved it so much we moved from colorado to savannah. But we learned early don’t go to beach on holiday. We love the history and area but not so much the heat and humidity. And bugs

    • Hi Laura! We loved our stay on Tybee Island. It was humid! But so much better than “dry heat!”

  414. Great presentation! Good people in Cedarville and Hessel. No better place to hang your hat!

    • Thanks Jacquelin. I agree they are good people and very hard working. I’m looking forward to hanging out there.

      • I’m a fourth generation resident of Big LaSalle Island. Les Cheneaux Distillery has brought small town fun and excitement to our summer traditions! Thank you for this interesting and informative article and thank you to the team at LCD! Cheers!

        • Thank you Kristy. I’m thrilled you enjoyed the article. I loved our visit to the Les Cheneaux Islands and am already planning a return visit. Yes, the team at LCD is doing an amazing job.

  415. Nice article! Now, don’t tell too many people about the Les Cheneaux area… we think it’s a ”secret” and we love it here!

    • Sorry, Linda! I think the cat is out of the bag on this one! the Les Cheneaux area is truly a taste of PURE MICHIGAN!

  416. Great article and pics of the newest addition to our beautiful area. Happy to learn the original boat shaped bar is being rescued!

  417. Thank you Chuck and Brenda for supporting the Arts in our beautiful state. I’m so happy you made it up on opening night

    • Thank you, Johnny! You’ve set the gold standard for supporting local music.

  418. What a wonderful show and the setting was also amazing. The cast and the performances were stellar. The band superb. Bravo to the producers, director and to Jay.

  419. Well, I just heard about this, and wish I could see the revival in Ann Arbor, but it’s sold out! Way back in 1982, I saw the original performance and so much of it is memorable, still.

    • I am so sorry, Kate. Maybe we should petition the producers for more performances. Maybe a few above the bridge? Seeing it at the schoolhouse was magical but at the bar in Grand Marais…that would indeed be perfect.

  420. Wonderful photos & write-up. I greatly appreciate your coverage and am sharing it widely!

    • I spent some time on Mackinac Island last week and I can’t imagine how devastating an oil spill in The Straits of Mackinac would be to that beautiful island. Please do the right thing and get line five out of The Straits of Mackinac. Pure Michigan will not survive and it will lose that title, because Enbridge is a negligent and unethical company. You cannot believe a thing they say. The geologists that they have testifying are on their dime. Make the right decision for the Great Lakes

  421. Thank you for organizing this and protecting our water.

  422. I am very eager to visit Tybee Island once more! Of course, I should visit other blogs and websites like to see what’s new there.

  423. Another great article about one of our favorite bands!

  424. What a fantastic article and wonderful photos. Thanks so much for the kind words for #metrodetroitsfavoritezombie.

  425. Great article! GREAT SHOW! the only disappointment was that DTB’s CDs weren’t physically available, but I got over that. My face melted clean off! And the whiplash from headbanging only lasted a few days. The memories of the music mashed into my lobes and the awesome brotherhood of metal fans will last.

  426. This band is awesome, I want their autograph!


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