Images tagged "life-in-michigand"

Recommended Reading

Driving in Scotland

Driving in Scotland

The websites and tour books simply say, "Great Britain drives on the left-hand side of the road." In very small print they add "you will find single track roads that are only wide enough for one vehicle." There is mention of "passing places" but it is a little unclear...

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Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle was on the "list" and we were leaving in the morning for Kinlochleven so it was now or never. For some reason they built castles on the highest point they could find! Cobblestone is not easy to traverse either. We scrambled to main entrance...

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Scott Monument Edinburgh Scotland

The Scott Monument was not on the list but it was a good workout. We climbed the 287 steps to the top and enjoyed the splendid view of Edinburgh which included Arthur's Seat. We didn't spend a lot of time looking at the exhibition on Sir Walter Scott's life on the...

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