Images tagged "life-in-michigand"

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Ann Arbor’s FoolMoon 2013 Event

Ann Arbor’s FoolMoon 2013 Event

WonderFool Productions produced its third FoolMoon event on Friday, April 5th, 2013. And I have to say, each year it gets better! The luminary parade was colorful and creative, Theo Katzman delivered on the Fool's Main stage and the Michigan Beer at Bill's Beer Garden...

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The Brown Family History

The Brown Family History

My dear Aunt Alice is a historian and has been documenting the Brown Family History for over 50 years. Aunt Alice and Uncle Milner’s vacations included detours to cemeteries, courthouses and libraries. She said to me during a recent visit, “Did you know most old towns...

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Don’t Fear the Vegan

I just stumbled upon another vegan blogger's site and just had to share!   Fear The Vegan! - Great quote from site: Have you ever put all your energy into creating something in the kitchen for others only to have them turn their nose up the instant they find out...

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