Detroit Urban Craft Fair 2014

by | Dec 10, 2014 | Michigan, Travel

From dazzling jewelry, to whimsical stuffed creatures, to one of kind concert poster art, and dangerously funny sculptures, we found a treasure trove of custom made goods at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair.

It is a two-day alternative craft fair run by Handmade Detroit. This year was the ninth year of the fair and it was held at the Masonic Temple. We were on a mission to find some unique Christmas gifts, so we made our way downtown to check out the fair.

Masonic Temple – Detroit, Michigan

I’ve always wanted to attend an event at the Masonic Temple in Detroit. My Grand Father Brown was a Mason so the Masonic Temple has a certain mystic. The temple was dressed in its best Christmas decorations. The only egress to the craft fair was by the elevator. We waited in line and when it was our turn, discovered an elevator operator managing the elevator buttons. It is the little things and that fascinate me.

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Detroit Urban Craft Fair - 2014 -1

Handmade in Michigan

Handmade Detroit produces the Detoirt Urban Craft Fair. There were 100 vendors, a bar and even vegan burgers if you needed nourishment.

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Chuck took many photographs and you can see all of the photos in our gallery. Many of these artists will also be at the Indie Art Fair, DIYpsi on December 13 and 14, 2014 at the Riverside Arts Center in Ypsanti, Michigan. We’ve highlighted just a few of the artists we met during the Detroit Urban Craft fair.

Kill Taupe

Chuck loved the magnetized mini paintings by Kill Taupe. I may need to buy one for his Christmas stocking. The problem is picking just one. Maybe, “Climb on top of me” or “I Like your butt”? It is so hard to pick.

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Outer Spaceways Apparel

I really wanted a T-Shirt from Outer Spaceways Apparel for Isaac, but the sizing was wrong. He loves weird T-Shirts but maybe this would be a better fit for Chuck. Hmmmm.

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Cool Critters

We encountered the Cool Critters by Jess Scheeran during KindleFest 2014 and I regretted not making a purchase. I wanted to hug her when we found her at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair but the Cool Critters where an imposing barricade.

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Bang! Media

Chuck saw the crazy black-light posters glowing across the room and made a bee-line to say Hi to Jeremy Wheeler at his Bang! Media table. Jeremy does the fantastic artwork for the band, Blue Snaggletooth along with a bunch of other great work.

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Detroit Urban Craft Fair - 2014 -1

Nicole Pangas Ceramics

Isaac loves tea and coffee. When I saw these great mugs, I knew what he would love one. She has a studio in Chelsea and gallery exhibits in Detroit, Brighton and Northville. Plus, you can buy her art online.

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Detroit Urban Craft Fair - 2014 -1

Mr. Sogs Creatures

I’m not sure exactly what it is about these little creatures, but Chuck couldn’t stay away from them. I think he wanted to take them all home with us. You can find Mr. Sogs Creatures on Etsy and on exhibit during the Ann Arbor Fair.

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Harvesting Hart

These crocheted cactus were adorable. They had some other fun items, including some tree ornaments. Harvesting Hart also has an Etsy Shop.

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Ramona’s Colors

Ramona was busy at work on more masterpieces to add to her collection.

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Lurk and Destroy

Here was another display that had Chuck’s name all over it. I think he would have bought them all if he had more space in his music room. Are you in need of a custom poster or logo? Stop by their website or Facebook page. I’m sure Lurk and Destroy can hook you up.

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As we left with my load of Christmas gifts, we couldn’t believe we had not been to this fair before. The talent and creativity were outstanding. If you were at the fair, let us know what you thought by leaving a comment. You can keep in touch with us by signing up for our email or you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Happy Holidays!

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