Dark Horse 4 Elf Party 2012

by | Dec 9, 2012 | Beer

We journeyed to Marshall, Michigan on December 8th to celebrate the release of Dark Horse Brewing Co.’s4 Elf Winter Ale.

Jeff and Chuck

The Annual 4 Elf Party is an opportunity to enjoy crazy amounts of Dark Horse beer with elves, santas and thousands of other Michigan Beer Enthusiasts while wandering around the Dark Horse production facility.

View from above

You can also purchase special bottle releases of:

  • 4 Elf Winter Ale
  • BBL Please the 5th
  • Monster 29 (Imperial Barleywine)
  • Ginger in Your pants
  • Militiagan
  • Whiskey Richard
  • King of the forest
Aaron and Wiggs selling beer

A token is required to purchase the bottle releases.These were handed out starting at 11 am. You didn’t need a token to enter the party just $5.00 or an elf costume.

Beer Sales and the party started at 3 pm.

Token holders lined-up by number to buy the special beer releases on the other side of the fence and the party goers huddled in the beer garden. There was confusion among the party goers and token holders but if you read the signs it was pretty clear where you were suppose wait.

Line for Party

Dark Horse loves tunnels.

This is not the first time I’ve journeyed through a tunnel to taste their beer. The 2011 Winter Beer Festival also featured a tunnel with black lights to taste their porters I think. As you can see I was super excited to enter the tunnel.

Brenda entering the tunnel to the Party

Brenda exiting the tunnel

Beer Line

Yep there was a line.

Beer Line

Making friends in the beer line

Yes that is a tattoo and he claimed his mother liked it. Hmmm.

Fucker Tattoo

Beer List

This is half the list. I tried the MMMM, Monster 29, Plead the 5th Imperial Stout and the Blueberry Stout. All were good. Chuck sampled many including Sarsaparilla 666 Stout. (He liked the 666.)

Beer selection

The Dark Horse staff serving the crazy beer drinkers.


Elves everywhere!

Elf Costume

This elf liked to text and the bad santas…

Elf Costume

Bad Santas

Trust me they were bad santas.

Bad Santas

Unique Appetizer Buffet

OMG. Unique doesn’t quiet describe this appetizer buffet.

The elf from Blackrocks Brewery in Maquette, Michigan is eating a muskrat head. Maybe eating muskrat is common in the UP.

Blackrock brewer eating a Muskrat Head

I’m serious. It had eyeball sockets and hair sticking to it.

I am vegan and the idea of eating a rat head was beyond my comprehension but there was a mob waiting for each course which included: duck balls, duck tongue, pig, salmon and lots of other crazy things.

Food Line



The Pottery Display

All Dark Horse members have a mug created by an artist (on the right) from Marquette, Michigan. He was at the party showing off his pottery with the brewer from Blackrocks Brewery (elf that likes muskrat heads).

Potter and Elf from Blackrocks

Jeff scored a VIP card.

I am good enough and smart enough and damn it people like me.

VIP Jeff

Metal Angie

Mental Angie

Thank you Go Dad for the ride home!

Taxi Sign

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