Breweries vs. Frostbite Fundraiser at Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor

by | Dec 11, 2022 | Beer

Michigan breweries raise funds for Ozone House with a Breweries vs. Frostbite tournament at the Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor

Breweries vs. Frostbite – Helping Ozone House

My curiosity peaked when I read a post from our friend Jonathan Cole (Old Nation Brewing) for an event called Breweries vs. Frostbite at the Fowling Warehouse in Ypsi-Ann Arbor. I had a visual of a troop of intrepid brewers in Carhartt jackets and Stormy Kromer caps using jets of hot wort to subdue a frost giant. Sounds like a new Netflix series, right?

The actual event was a fun tournament of fowling with a serious intent, as Breweries vs. Frostbite was a fundraiser for Ozone House. If you aren’t familiar, Ozone House is an amazing organization that provides free and safe support and shelter for youths aged 10 to 20. They provide someone to talk to, safe shelter, food, job training, and school support.

Fowling at the Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor

You may think, “Chuck…what the hell is fowling???” Don’t worry. You don’t have to herd ducks. Fowling is a sport that uses footballs to knock down bowling pins. Football + Bowling equals Fowling. Instead of the convoluted scoring of bowling (seriously, what the hell?), the goal in fowling is to knock over your pins before the other team. You win if you throw a strike (knocking out all ten pins with one shot). If you somehow manage to knock out the five-pin and only the five-pin on the first throw, you win. The five-pin miracle is called a Bonk.

You can play fowling with friends and family at Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor. They are just off Golfside Rd at the corner of Washtenaw, just a few steps from the At Home store (the old K-Mart for you old schoolers). The Fowling Warehouse is owned by Scott Brown and Scott Love, who were on hand for the tournament.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor

Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor is a huge space with 20 fowling lanes. You can jump into a lane to challenge the current winners or reserve a few lanes for you and your friends or family. The game is fun, but what makes Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor special is the insane list of Michigan beers they have available. Most beers are in cans, but you can also pick from a nice selection of drafts. Be sure to get at least one draft, as the cup-filling process is quite an experience. If you aren’t into beer, no problem. You can get mixed drinks and wine too. While there is no food at Fowling Warehouse, you can order from anywhere that delivers or bring your own.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor

Tournament Time

Anyone who donated to Ozone House was eligible to enter the Breweries vs. Frostbite tournament. Scott Brown rounded up players, and a bracket was set up. The teams ranged across all of the participating breweries, which included North Peak Brewing Company, Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales, Cheboygan Brewing Co., Bell’s Brewery, Griffin Claw Brewing Co., Short’s Brewing Co., Odd Side Ales, Old Nation Brewing Co., Arbor Brewing Co., Grand Armory Brewing Co., Grand River Brewery, Saugatuck Brewing Co., Perrin Brewing Co., Pigeon Hill Brewing Co., Mitten Brewing Co., and Blake’s Hard Cider Co. Joining in on the fun were national brands Finnish Long Drink, 3 Floyds Brewing, and Cigar City Brewing. Scott Brown and Scott Love (the owners of Fowling Warehouse Ypsi-Ann Arbor) also jumped into the fray.

With the pairings set, it was time to fowl on! Throwing techniques were all over the place, from tight Tom Brady spirals to Tim Tebow catapults to the Patrick Mahomes underhand toss. The lanes were filled with serious fun.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor

The Finale

During the first rounds, a fella named Chas scored not only a bonk (clearing the 5-pin on the first shot) but also scored a strike (all ten pins with one shot). This feat earned him the honor of sounding the mega-decibel fog horn and his name on the Bonk board.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor

As with any tournament, eventually, it comes down to two teams. In the final, it was Team Blake’s versus Team Fowling Warehouse. The home team advantage was strong, and Scott and Scott of Team Fowling came through with the victory and the coveted Breweries vs. Frostbite trophy. Ultimately, the bigger winners were the kids in need who reach out to Ozone House for help. Thanks, Jonathan, for the invite to this fun event. It was a great way to enjoy Michigan beers, give to a super organization, and have some fowling fun.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor
Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor


We’ve got a few more shots from Breweries vs. Frostbite in our gallery. Please take a peek and let us know what you think. Leave a comment and show some love by sharing this post.

Breweries vs. Frostbite - Benefit for Ozone House at Fowling Warehouse - Ypsi/Ann Arbor

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