Book Review for In the Blood by Steve Robinson

by | Sep 1, 2013 | History

A brand new type of blog post for me, a book review for “In the Blood” by author Steve Robinson. I just finished reading it and I am excited to recommend it. I could not put this book down, which surprised me because “In the Blood” was the first book by author, Steve Robinson and I bought it for $.99 on Amazon. Admittedly, for these two reasons alone I was skeptical that it was going to be a good read but I was so wrong! Do you remember Stieg Larsson’s first book, “A Girl with the Dragon Tattoo“? Yep it was that good and if you liked the Millennium series then you’ll like this series too.

My cousin Brian recommended the book after I asked on Facebook if anyone had any summer reading suggestions. He said, “Funny. I was just about to email you and MB about a couple authors that complement our research…Steve Robinson also has a very interesting blog concerning aspiring writers and genealogy.” I was all over Brian’s recommendation. I felt like a stalker picking through Steve Robinson’s blog. If you are into genealogy, the blog has a great list of useful links definitely worth bookmarking. This book renewed my determination to write and share my family’s stories for the next generation.

“In the Blood” also reminded me of a Sherlock Homes adventure but (really big BUT here) I really liked the protagonist, Tayte. He is actually believable, funny, and charming. You find yourself cheering for him. Yes there were a few parts of the story left untold and I was left wondering about. There were so many twists and turns and I was guessing until the very end. Yes it had a surprise ending which I loved! I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series, “To the Grave”, which is an Top20 bestseller and UK Amazon Kindle Forum ‘Must Read’.

In the Blood

A Jefferson Tayte Genealogical Crime Mystery #1

ITB cover 2


Family history was never supposed to be like this…

When American genealogist, Jefferson Tayte, accepted his latest assignment he had no idea it might kill him. But while murder was never part of the curriculum he is kidding himself if he thinks he can walk away from this one.

Why can’t I trace them? What happened to them?

Driven by the irony of being a genealogist who doesn’t know who his own parents are, Tayte soon finds that the assignment shares a stark similarity to his own struggle. Someone has gone to great lengths to erase an entire family bloodline from recorded history and he’s not going home until he’s found out why. After all, if he’s not good enough to find this family, how can he ever expect to be good enough to someday find his own?

Set in Cornwall, England, past and present, Tayte’s research centres around the tragic life of a young Cornish girl, a writing box, and the discovery of a dark family secret that he believes will lead him to the family he is looking for. Trouble is, someone else is looking for the same answers and they will stop at nothing to find them.

About Steve Robinson – Ancestry Author

He was born in coastal Kent, UK and now lives near London. He started writing when he was 16 and hasn’t stopped. Before he began writing full time he worked in the software and telecommunications industry. If you’d like learn more about Steven Robinson, check out his website.


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