Risky Brenda takes over The Village Tap

by | Nov 4, 2015 | Michigan, Music

Risky Brenda and the Wizard took over Manchester’s Village Tap on Halloween and I’m pretty sure I found Jesus.

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-36

The Village Tap

The peaceful village of Manchester, Michigan was rocking on Halloween.The Village Tap’s parking lot was transformed into a music venue complete with lights, sound and a stage. I’d been looking forward to this event for weeks. I was introduced to Risky Brenda at the Pleasant Lake Inn last year, I’ve been infatuated since then. Plus, I love many of the Manchester locals so this was a double treat at one of my favorite bars,The Village Tap! I have to admit the Wizard was an unknown, but I’m looking forward to seeing more of them. Chuck thinks both bands should play at Fuzz Fest.

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-24


I’m glad I wasn’t responsible for picking the winners of the costume contest! Here are a couple of the winners!

Costumes- Halloween Tap - 2015-41

Costumes - Halloween Tap - 2015-42

The Wizard

This band played a great set of fun cover songs. They had a raw and untamed sound with definite punk vibe. Sure, they may have been dressed like Vikings, but they jammed like the Stooges. They were entertaining and fun. With some more gigs under their belts, they will be taking over the town.

The Wizard - Halloween Tap - 2015-9

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-3

The Wizard - Halloween Tap - 2015-6

The Wizard - Halloween Tap - 2015-8

Risky Brenda

Risky Brenda is extremely hard to categorize. That is a good thing. The energy and focus of their sound is rock, but you can hear influences ranging from Merle Haggard to the Doors and bits of all things in between. They played songs off their new self-titled recording at the Halloween show and every one of them sounded fantastic. While the cd of Risky Brenda tunes lets you enjoy the music at home, it is live that this band shines. The music bristles and vibrates you to the core. You could see Risky Brenda’s songs physically move people. I think even Jesus was dancing. It didn’t hurt that these guys embraced the festivities with entertaining costumes. This was a great performance by a band to watch.

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-34

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-31

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-27

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-16

Risky Brenda - Halloween Tap - 2015-21

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